Neo4j plugin implementing the approach described by Grady et. al. (2012) for computing link salience in networks.
- Run
mvn assembly:assembly
to generate the pluginLinkSalience-[VERSION]-jar-with-dependencies.jar
, - Copy above jar to [NEO4J_HOME]/plugins,
- (Re-)Start Neo4j server,
- Run
curl -v http://[NEO4J_HOST]:7474/db/data/ext
and make sure LinkSaliencePlugin is mentioned in the list of extensions;
Perform curl -v http://[NEO4J_HOST]:7474/db/data/ext/LinkSaliencePlugin
to expose the methods of the REST API. There are 3 flavors:
- computes link salience for each relationship in the graph, using the algorithm as described in the supplements to the Grady paper,computeLinkSalienceForQueryResult
- computes link salience as above, but on the subset of nodes returned from the provided Cypher query;computeLinkSalienceWithDijkstra
- computes link salience for each relationship in the graph, using the shortest path algorithm built into Neo4j,
Example usages:
curl -X POST http://[NEO4J_HOST]:7474/db/data/ext/LinkSaliencePlugin/graphdb/computeLinkSalience \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"weightProperty":"w", "directed":"true"}'
curl -X POST http://[NEO4J_HOST]:7474/db/data/ext/LinkSaliencePlugin/graphdb/computeLinkSalienceForQueryResult \
-H "content-type: application/json" \
-d '{"weightProperty":"w", "directed":"true""query":"start n = node(*) where n.surplus! > 0"}'
The algorithm (at least the version based on the Grady paper, see issues below) has reasonable performance on graphs of limited size (few thousand nodes maximum) - salience should be computed within the order of magnitude of seconds/minutes on a single node with modern hardware. For larger graphs, some kind of batch parallel implementation should be created, e.g. for the Giraph platform.
The computation using the Neo4j-provided Dijkstra algorithm is significantly slower than the approach based on the Shortest Path Tree (SPT) algorithm proposed by Grady - running Dijkstra on n * (n - 1) nodes is less efficient than the "direct" SPT algorithm.
In addition, the computed salience based on the Dijkstra version of the algorithm leads to (slightly) different results on non-trivial graphs, we haven't been able to find out the reason for that yet.