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Js_of_ocaml bis ("The Generator")

Why bis? & Purpose

Because, there is already a tool named js_of_ocaml whose job is to produce efficient Javascript from OCaml bytecode. We are not that tool.

Here, we try to translate OCaml syntax to 'simple' ECMAScript syntax, the purpose of it is to generate readable ECMAScript code, so that it could later be use in a step-by-step ECMAScript interpreter.


See parent directory.

What is built

  • main: The main ml-to-js compiler. Can produce files in one of 5 modes, using the -mode parameter:
    • log: Executable JS output with logging function calls for use with the debugger.
    • unlog: Plain executable JS output
    • token: Produces unlog annotated with token identifiers for log. And produces an .mlloc.js file mapping token identifiers to locations of the input .ml source file.
    • pseudo: 'Pseudo'-js output. Makes use of monadic let bindings alike the input OCaml to improve readability.
    • ptoken: token equivalent for pseudo output files.
  • lineof: Converts and combines .token.js, .ptoken.js, and .mlloc.js files into lineof.js which maps token identifiers to file locations.
  • assembly: Linker for compiled .log.js files into a single executable .js file.
  • displayed_sources: Produces string versions of the relevant source files, for display.
  • monad_ppx: PPX rewriter for monadic binder extension syntax. See below.

Each of these programs may be compiled to a bytecode or native target as desired. Bytecode is the default.

Makefile Targets

The following make targets are defined:

  • default: Compiles bytecode versions of the programs and the stdlib.
  • all: Compiles bytecode and native versions of the programs and the stdlib.
  • byte / native: Compiles bytecode or native versions of the programs.
  • *.byte / *.native: Compiles the specified program into bytecode or native code.
  • debug: Compiles bytecode versions of the programs with debug symbols, and the appropriate .ocamldebug configuration file.
  • test: Compiles and executes the test suite. See below.
  • clean: Cleans built targets.

How does it work?

In order to get the statically typed abstract syntax tree (STAST) of OCaml we link against compiler-libs, we have tested against versions 4.04.0. Previous versions are available for >= 4.02.1.

On top, of this STAST, there is a custom back-end that compiles OCaml to ECMAScript. The code written in OCaml cannot rely on code from the typical standard library. Therefore a file named stdlib.mli (found in the directory stdlib_ml) contains all the required definitions for the examples to work. This file as a twin which is stdlib.js, in this file the functions whose prototype is in stdlib.mli are defined here.

About the subset of OCaml supported

  • Let declarations, except let () =. Recursive declarations are supported.
  • If then else statements, as expected if then else expressions return a value.
  • Pattern matching, only one level of pattern matching over arbitrary types.
  • Type declarations, if a constructor take arguments (one or more), you should add an annotations to provide default names for the parameters. See example below.
    type 'a tree = | Leaf of 'a [@f value] | Node of 'a
    tree * 'a * 'a tree [@f left, value, right]
  • Records Records are translated to objects. Record copying using the OCaml with syntax is supported for any number of field updates.

About the Subset of JavaScript Used

  • Object.assign (ES6)
  • No type casting
  • No prototypes
  • Arrays (for tuples)
  • Switch on strings (used for type constructor matching)
  • with as a simplistic means of linking module definitions.

About the Monadic Rewriter PPX

This is a OCaml AST preprocessor that converts let%x syntax into the monadic binder if_x with the continuation as the bound expression of the let term.

For example:

  • let%some x = expr in contif_some expr (fun x -> cont)
  • let%spec (s,x) = expr in contif_spec expr (fun s x -> cont)

The full list of available monads is provided in the file This file should be configured as appropriate for the target application. The current configuration is for jsref.

Test Suite

The tests directory contains test files for the generator to compile. Test cases will first be built and run with the standard OCaml compiler to check that the assertions made within the tests are correct. The tests are then compiled with the generator and executed with Nodejs to ensure that the compiled versions are also correct. Cross-checking of results is not performed, it is expected that all tests should pass under both execution environments.

The test case library interface is described in (tests/lib/mocha.mli)[./tests/lib/mocha.mli], it is designed to be similar in style to the Mocha JS testing framework. The JS test environment is backed directly by Mocha, the OCaml test environment is Alcotest with a wrapper to provide a Mocha interface.

Tests are built and executed using the make test command in this directory.

Other Notes

Historical versions of the repository required the OCaml 4.02.1 compiler source code to compile directly against. We are unable to redistribute these files for licensing reasons. If for some reason you want to build a historic version, then drop the parsing, typing and utils directories from the OCaml distribution into this directory, some further configuration may be required... The whole historic distribution archived in the private jscert_dev repository.


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