A simple byte conversion utility to make conversion of byte values easier! It is built for PHP 5.3+.
Install the library using composer. Add the following to your composer.json
"require": {
"jschaedl/byte": "dev-master"
And run the composer install command in terminal.
sudo composer.phar install
$converter = new \Byte\ByteConverter();
// convert to bytes
$converter->getBytes('1b'); // 1
$converter->getBytes('1k'); // 1024
$converter->getBytes('1m'); // 1048576
$converter->getBytes('1g'); // 1073741824
// convert to kilobytes
$converter->getKBytes('1b'); // 0.0009765625
$converter->getKBytes('1k'); // 1
$converter->getKBytes('1m'); // 1024
$converter->getKBytes('1g'); // 1048576
// convert to megabytes
$converter->getMBytes('1b'); // 0.00000095367431640625
$converter->getMBytes('1k'); // 0.0009765625
$converter->getMBytes('1m'); // 1
$converter->getMBytes('1g'); // 1024
// convert to gigabytes
$converter->getGBytes('1b'); // 0.00000000093132257461548
$converter->getGBytes('1k'); // 0.00000095367431640625
$converter->getGBytes('1m'); // 0.0009765625
$converter->getGBytes('1g'); // 1
MIT Public License