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Go ORM (Object-relational mapping) for Google Cloud Firestore.


  1. Easy to use
  2. Non-intrusive
  3. Non-exclusive
  4. Fast


  • Basic CRUD operations
  • Search
  • Concurrent requests support (except when run in transactions)
  • Transactions
  • Nested transactions will reuse the first transaction (reads before writes as required by firestore)
  • Configurable auto load of references
  • Handles cyclic references
  • Sub collections
  • Supports embedded/anonymous structs
  • Supports unexported fields
  • Custom mappers between fields and types
  • Caching (session + second level)
  • Supports Google App Engine - 2. Gen (go version >= 1.11)

Getting Started


This library only supports Firestore Native mode and not the old Datastore mode.

go get -u


  1. Setup a Firestore client
  2. Create a firestorm client and supply the names of the id and parent fields of your model structs. Parent is optional. The id field must be a string but can be called anything.
client, _ := app.Firestore(ctx)
fsc := firestorm.New(client, "ID", "")
  1. Optional. For optimal caching to work consider adding the CacheHandler.

Basic CRUD example

Note: Recursive Create/Delete is not supported and must be called on every entity. So to create an A->B relation. Create B first so the B.ID has been created and then create A.

type Car struct {
	ID         string
	Make       string
	Year       time.Time
car := &Car{}
car.Make = "Toyota"
car.Year, _ = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "2001-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")

// Create the entity
fsc.NewRequest().CreateEntities(ctx, car)()

if car.ID == "" {
    t.Errorf("car should have an auto generated ID")

// Read the entity by ID
otherCar := &Car{ID:car.ID}
fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(ctx, otherCar)()
if otherCar.Make != "Toyota" {
    t.Errorf("car should have name: Toyota but was: %s", otherCar.Make)
if otherCar.Year != car.Year {
    t.Errorf("car should have same year: %s", otherCar.Year)

// Update the entity
car.Make = "Jeep"
fsc.NewRequest().UpdateEntities(ctx, car)()

otherCar := &Car{ID:car.ID}
fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(ctx, otherCar)()
if otherCar.Make != "Jeep" {
    t.Errorf("car should have name: Jeep but was: %s", otherCar.Make)

// Delete the entity
fsc.NewRequest().DeleteEntities(ctx, car)()

otherCar = &Car{ID:car.ID}
if err := fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(ctx, otherCar)(); err == nil {
    t.Errorf("We expect a NotFoundError")

More examples


Create a query using the firebase client

car := &Car{}
car.ID = "testID"
car.Make = "Toyota"

fsc.NewRequest().CreateEntities(ctx, car)()

query := fsc.Client.Collection("Car").Where("make", "==", "Toyota")

result := make([]Car, 0)
if err := fsc.NewRequest().QueryEntities(ctx, query, &result)(); err != nil {
    t.Errorf("car was not found by search: %v", car)

if result[0].ID != car.ID || result[0].Make != car.Make {
    t.Errorf("entity did not match original entity : %v", result)

More examples

Concurrent requests

All CRUD operations are asynchronous and return a future func that when called will block until the operation is done.

NOTE: the state of the entities is undefined until the future func returns.

car := &Car{Make:"Toyota"}

// Create the entity which returns a future func
future := fsc.NewRequest().CreateEntities(ctx, car)

// ID is not set
if car.ID != "" {
	t.Errorf("car ID should not have been set yet")

// do some more work

// blocks and waits for the database to finish

// now the car has been saved and the ID has been set
if car.ID == "" {
    t.Errorf("car should have an auto generated ID now")

More examples


Transactions are simply done in a function using the transaction context

car := &Car{Make: "Toyota"}

fsc.DoInTransaction(ctx, func(transCtx context.Context) error {

    // Create the entity in the transaction using the transCtx
    fsc.NewRequest().CreateEntities(transCtx, car)()

    // Using the transCtx we can load the entity as it is saved in the session context
    otherCar := &Car{ID:car.ID}
    fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(transCtx, otherCar)()
    if otherCar.Make != car.Make {
        t.Errorf("The car should have been saved in the transaction context")

    // Loading using an other context (request) will fail as the car is not created until the func returns successfully
    if err := fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(ctx, &Car{ID:car.ID})(); err == nil {
        t.Errorf("We expect a NotFoundError")

// Now we can load the car as the transaction has been committed
otherCar := &Car{ID:car.ID}
fsc.NewRequest().GetEntities(ctx, otherCar)()
if otherCar.Make != "Toyota" {
    t.Errorf("car should have name: Toyota but was: %s", otherCar.Make)

More examples


Firestorm supports adding a session cache to the context. The session cache only caches entities that are loaded within the same request.

# add it to a single handler:
http.HandleFunc("/", firestorm.CacheHandler(otherHandler))
# or add it to the routing chain (for gorilla/mux, go-chi etc.):

To add a second level cache (such as Redis or memcache) the Cache interface needs to be implemented and added to the client:


Firestore will first try to fetch an entity from the session cache. If it is not found it will try the second level cache.

Configurable auto load of references

Use the req.SetLoadPaths("fieldName") to auto load a particular field or req.SetLoadPaths(firestorm.AllEntities) to load all fields.

Load an entity path by adding multiple paths eg.: path->to->field

fsc.NewRequest().SetLoadPaths("path", "", "").GetEntities(ctx, car)()

More examples

Customize data mapping

This library uses go-structmapper for mapping values between Firestore and structs. The mapping can be customized by setting the mappers:

fsc.MapToDB = mapper.New()
fsc.MapFromDB = mapper.New()


Help is provided in the go-firestorm User Group


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