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Scope of JSON Schema Validation

Austin Wright edited this page Mar 21, 2021 · 12 revisions

This page fleshes out some of the considerations on what is in scope for JSON Schema Validation, and relationships to other features of JSON Schema.

Validation vs. linting

Depending on the kind of document language, there's a variety of passes that may need to be done over the document in order to parse it for information.

More complicated parsers may have different passes such as tokenizers and lexers. Simpler parsers will be a mere state machine, that consumes each byte of the document in sequence, and advances the machine to record/emit the data encountered so far, as well as prepare for the next character. JSON can be read with a mere state machine, requiring no lookaheads or ambiguous states.

If there were no errors—no illegal characters encountered—the document is considered well formed.

However, there may be multiple ways to encode the same data, from the standpoint of the application. For example, JavaScript and JSON can encode strings multiple different ways, for example, "A" and "\u0041" form the same string; there is no difference to the running application (unless the application is introspecting its own source code—not recommended). If the application developer wises to express a preference for one or the other, this may be tested with a linter.

It is entirely the intention of JSON to allow multiple different ways of encoding the same data, and for these different encodings to be processed by the recipient application exactly the same way.

In some cases, this is necessary for application security. For example, you can backslash escape the slash character. This allows you to safely embed JSON inside text/html, by making it impossible to write a sequence that looks like a closing tag such as </script>—since it would be encoded as <\/script>.

JSON Schema does not offer a way to distinguish or require one form or the other; since according to the application, the data is the same. If you need to test for how JSON is written (for example, to ensure that output uses the correct escapes, or that the output is optimized for a particular parser), this is instead a task for a linter.

Types of Validation

Validation ensures that the document (including its data) is in a form suitable for consumption by the application. It can be broken down into two broad categories:

Syntactic validation ensures that the document parser can reach the end of the document fully and unambiguously able to understand its syntax. A document that conforms to the generic JSON syntax is considered well formed.

Semantic Validation ensures that the data within the document is within the boundaries that the application will understand. A document whose data meets the desired requirements is considered valid.

Since JSON Schema only operates on a well-formed JSON document, syntactic validation is implicitly part of JSON Schema validation.

Overlap of well-formed and valid

If you have many constraints on data, and your application requires a valid document (and not merely a well-formed one), then it may be possible to perform much of the validation during parsing.

For example, a "coordinate" property may require an array with exactly two numbers, representing longitude and latitude. In this case, if a user provides a string instead, a JSON Schema aware parser may reject this before the end of the document has even been read, with a message such as "Unexpected double quote on line 2 character 20; expecting an array", as if it were an illegal character.

In this case, there is little runtime distinction between being well-formed and valid. There is an academic distinction, the parser must still be a full JSON parser that can accommodate object keys appearing in any order; but it is one that can terminate parsing as soon as it knows the output will not be valid.

Types of Semantic Validation


In short, structural validation is concerned with setting the minimum standards required in order to make the document meaningful. Structural validation permits values that are obviously correct, since they might become sensible in the future. For example, Elbonia is not a country right now, but it's feasible that a country named Elbonia could form some time in the future. Therefore, it would not make sense to hard-code a list of countries as part of structural validation.

Formally, structural validation is concerned with placing assertions on a single value. For example, "Value is greater than zero", "Value is an array", "Value is nonempty", or "Value has property with key name".

Referential Integrity & consistency

Referential integrity validation ensures that identifiers in a document reference something that actually exists. For example, "Value is an ID string found in the users database", or "Value is an ID number that must be distinct from other ID numbers".

There's multiple ways to verify referential integrity: far too many mechanisms to incorporate into JSON Schema. Validating data consistency may involve:

  • Scanning the rest of the document for a referenced value
  • Making a network request for a referenced document
  • Querying a database for a record with the given value
  • Sending a message to the referenced address, and verifying it was received

In short, referential integrity is tested by exercising the intended query. For looking up a user, you must actually query the users database. For testing an email address, you must actually send an email.

Application Logic

Application Logic (also called business logic) includes assertions to enforce more complicated application rules, including rules that relate two parts of the document together. For example, “Verify that the date in "age" at least 18 years ago” or “Verify that "max" is greater or equal to "min"”.

In general, a complete programming language is required to implement application logic. Referential integrity can be considered a type of application logic.


The primary job of an inference engine is to determine additional data about a resource based on what is known. Inference typically has some way to perform validation, which checks that there are no contradictions between pieces of data. For example, an assertion that a resource cannot be both a Cat and a Dog.

It is the type used by RDF Schema and RDF's OWL.

I/O-dependent tests vs. compute-only tests

An important performance characteristic of JSON Schema validation is that it can be tested without relying on compute-blocking I/O operations (such as networking or filesystem). Excluding data consistency tests from the scope of JSON Schema validation has the effect of excluding tests that rely on I/O. For example, the tests that have to check a database to verify that a referenced ID exists.

Not all data consistency tests rely on I/O, however. Many applications simply wish to test that an ID is defined in another part of the same document. Even though this case would be compute-bound, it is still outside the scope of JSON Schema validation for several reasons:

  1. JSON Schema validation does not assume that the entire JSON document must be buffered in memory. JSON Schema validation is designed to be compatible with streaming parsers, that retain a limited state.

  2. Supporting all the different ways that people can implement same-document references would still be extremely complicated. This is functionality best left to an actual scripting language (like Lua or ECMAScript), rather than re-designing a new language in JSON.

  3. JSON Schema should not express a preference on the best way to validate references to data. And the mere existence of a keyword may encourage people to change the structure of their JSON documents to be able to use it. It would be unfortunate if an application started embedding unnecessary data into JSON documents, because JSON Schema only supported compute tests and not I/O-dependent tests.


Different applications might have different validation constraints at different stages of the application. A few examples:

Regular Expressions

Strings within JSON Schema may be required to pass a regular expression. Validating a string against a regular expression is a kind of syntactic validation, and might keep a state, and earlier characters might change the outcome of parsing for later characters.

This is a warranted feature in JSON Schema because there is always going to be data inside a document that can be broken apart into multiple values, but is not well represented by JSON. For example, a date has year, month, and more components. There's already good standards for encoding dates as strings, inventing a JSON encoding for dates is not really necessary.


RPC calls for data update and retrieval are one case where the same resource might have different schemas applied to it at different points in its life-cycle. At creation time, the resource might exclude an ID, since it is to be assigned by the server. But for updates, an ID might be mandatory, so that the server knows which document in the collection to update. These technically call for two separate schemas.

Related article:


JSON Schema can still be used to declare relationships between data; and if the document passes JSON Schema validation, then applications can opt-into performing additional tests based on the declared relationships in the data.

For example, a form generation library might look at a "range" property, and use it to auto-complete usernames from the database of legal names, and not permit form submission until it verifies the username actually exists.