Note: The Operating System options are CentOS/RHEL Version 6.*/7.*. The instructions are also for development releases, which change quite frequently. If you are looking for production releases, please go to the Boundless Exchange Site.
While in a terminal session with sudo access, run the following commands.
sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install exchange \
boundless-postgis2_96 \
elasticsearch \
rabbitmq-server \
erlang \
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Install the Boundless and PostgreSQL repo files and GPG keys
- Update your local packages
- Install Exchange and additional services
Exchange is dependent on the following services and will each need to be configured:
- postgresql (Django and Vector Data Storage)
- elasticsearch (Advanced Search Capabilities)
- rabbitmq (Celery Workers)
- geoserver (OGC WFS, WMS, WMTS and GeoFence - Advanced Authentication/Authorization Engine)
Note: You can use external services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon SQS or Amazon ES. Exchange uses a custom version of GeoServer that includes specific extensions and scripts. You do have the ability to install the service in a different host. If you will be using external services you can skip the install steps for those services.
Exchange requires 2 x PostgreSQL databases. The first one is for Django and the second for GeoServer / GeoGig, which also requires the PostGIS extension installed.
Example steps to initialize the database instance on the same host
# el7
sudo /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
# el6
sudo service postgresql-9.6 initdb
sudo chkconfig postgresql-9.6 on
sudo sed 's/peer$/trust/g' /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
sudo sed 's/ident$/md5/g' /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
sudo service postgresql-9.6 restart
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Initialize the database
- Enable the service to autostart
- Adjust the config for trust and md5
- Restart the service
Example steps to create the user and required databases
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER exchange WITH PASSWORD 'boundless';"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE exchange OWNER exchange;"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE exchange_data OWNER exchange;"
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;'
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;'
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Create the exchange database user
- Create the Django database named
- Create the GeoServer/GeoGig databasenamed
- Install PostGIS extension into
- Set geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys to PUBLIC
Once the above steps are completed, you will need to verify the variables "DATABASE_URL"
in the file to see if they need to be modified. The
is a bash script that will set environment variables that the Django application will use.
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL:-'postgres://exchange:boundless@localhost:5432/exchange'}
export POSTGIS_URL=${POSTGIS_URL:-'postgis://exchange:boundless@localhost:5432/exchange_data'}
The value is what dj-database-url (python package) uses to create the Django DATABASES dictionary and uses the following URL schema format.
Note: db_scheme = postgres or postgis
- DATABASE_URL = Django Database
- POSTGIS_URL = GeoServer and GeoGig Database
Example steps to configure elasticsearch on the same host
sudo chkconfig elasticsearch on
sudo service elasticsearch start
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Enable the service to autostart
- Start the service
Verify the variable "ES_URL"
in the file to see if it needs to be modified.
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export ES_URL=${ES_URL:-'http://localhost:9200/'}
Example steps to configure rabbitmq-server on the same host
sudo chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
sudo service rabbitmq-server start
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Enable the service to autostart
- Start the service
Verify the variable "BROKER_URL"
in the file to see if it needs to be modified.
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export BROKER_URL=${BROKER_URL:-'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'}
The URI specification can be found on RabbitMQ's Site
Exchange uses a proxy server (Apache httpd) to proxy requests to Django and GeoServer. GeoServer will need to be configured to include the "Proxy Base Url"
sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/global.xml
<proxyBaseUrl></proxyBaseUrl> # <-- add this entry
Exchange GeoServer also uses a custom security filter and role service. The following files will need to be modified to include the correct settings.
Security Filter:
sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/security/filter/geonode-oauth2/config.xml
<!-- GeoNode accessTokenUri -->
<accessTokenUri></accessTokenUri> # <-- modify this entry
<!-- GeoNode userAuthorizationUri -->
<userAuthorizationUri></userAuthorizationUri> # <-- modify this entry
<!-- GeoServer Public URL -->
<redirectUri></redirectUri> # <-- modify this entry
<!-- GeoNode checkTokenEndpointUrl -->
<checkTokenEndpointUrl></checkTokenEndpointUrl> # <-- modify this entry
<!-- GeoNode logoutUri -->
<logoutUri></logoutUri> # <-- modify this entry
Role Service:
sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/security/role/geonode\ REST\ role\ service/config.xml
Example steps to configure geoserver on the same host
sudo chkconfig tomcat8 on
sudo service tomcat8 start
The above code snippet will do the following:
- Enable the service to autostart
- Start the service
Verify the variables "GEOSERVER_URL"
in the file to see if they need to be modified.
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export GEOSERVER_URL=${GEOSERVER_URL:-''} # <-- modify this entry
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=${GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data'}
export GEOSERVER_LOG=${GEOSERVER_LOG:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data/logs/geoserver.log'}
export GEOGIG_DATASTORE_DIR=${GEOGIG_DATASTORE_DIR:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data/geogig'}
Verify the variable "SITEURL"
in the file to see if it needs to be modified.
export SITEURL==${SITEURL:-''} # <-- modify this entry
Example steps to configure exchange on the same host
sudo exchange-config django
sudo exchange-config selinux
sudo chkconfig exchange on
sudo service exchange start
sudo chkconfig httpd on
sudo service httpd restart
Apache httpd (Public 80 or 443)
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| Tomcat/GeoServer (8080)
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Exchange (8000) Registry (8001) |
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---------| | |
| | | |
| | --------------- |
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RabbitMQ (5672) --- Elasticsearch (9200) PostgreSQL (5432)
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