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Installing Boundless Exchange via RPMs

Note: The Operating System options are CentOS/RHEL Version 6.*/7.*. The instructions are also for development releases, which change quite frequently. If you are looking for production releases, please go to the Boundless Exchange Site.

While in a terminal session with sudo access, run the following commands.

sudo yum -y install
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum install exchange \
                 boundless-postgis2_96 \
                 elasticsearch \
                 rabbitmq-server \
                 erlang \

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Install the Boundless and PostgreSQL repo files and GPG keys
  • Update your local packages
  • Install Exchange and additional services

Exchange is dependent on the following services and will each need to be configured:

  • postgresql (Django and Vector Data Storage)
  • elasticsearch (Advanced Search Capabilities)
  • rabbitmq (Celery Workers)
  • geoserver (OGC WFS, WMS, WMTS and GeoFence - Advanced Authentication/Authorization Engine)

Note: You can use external services, such as Amazon RDS, Amazon SQS or Amazon ES. Exchange uses a custom version of GeoServer that includes specific extensions and scripts. You do have the ability to install the service in a different host. If you will be using external services you can skip the install steps for those services.

Configuration of PostgreSQL Database

Exchange requires 2 x PostgreSQL databases. The first one is for Django and the second for GeoServer / GeoGig, which also requires the PostGIS extension installed.

Example steps to initialize the database instance on the same host

# el7
sudo /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb
# el6
sudo service postgresql-9.6 initdb

sudo chkconfig postgresql-9.6 on
sudo sed 's/peer$/trust/g' /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
sudo sed 's/ident$/md5/g' /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
sudo service postgresql-9.6 restart

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Initialize the database
  • Enable the service to autostart
  • Adjust the config for trust and md5
  • Restart the service

Example steps to create the user and required databases

psql -U postgres -c "CREATE USER exchange WITH PASSWORD 'boundless';"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE exchange OWNER exchange;"
psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE exchange_data OWNER exchange;"
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;'
psql -U postgres -d exchange_data -c 'GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;'

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Create the exchange database user
  • Create the Django database named "exchange"
  • Create the GeoServer/GeoGig databasenamed "exchange_data"
  • Install PostGIS extension into "exchange_data"
  • Set geometry_columns and spatial_ref_sys to PUBLIC

Once the above steps are completed, you will need to verify the variables "DATABASE_URL" and "POSTGIS_URL" in the file to see if they need to be modified. The is a bash script that will set environment variables that the Django application will use.

sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export DATABASE_URL=${DATABASE_URL:-'postgres://exchange:boundless@localhost:5432/exchange'}
export POSTGIS_URL=${POSTGIS_URL:-'postgis://exchange:boundless@localhost:5432/exchange_data'}

The value is what dj-database-url (python package) uses to create the Django DATABASES dictionary and uses the following URL schema format.


Note: db_scheme = postgres or postgis

  • DATABASE_URL = Django Database
  • POSTGIS_URL = GeoServer and GeoGig Database

Configuration of Elasticsearch

Example steps to configure elasticsearch on the same host

sudo chkconfig elasticsearch on
sudo service elasticsearch start

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Enable the service to autostart
  • Start the service

Verify the variable "ES_URL" in the file to see if it needs to be modified.

sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export ES_URL=${ES_URL:-'http://localhost:9200/'}

Configuration of RabbitMQ Server

Example steps to configure rabbitmq-server on the same host

sudo chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
sudo service rabbitmq-server start

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Enable the service to autostart
  • Start the service

Verify the variable "BROKER_URL" in the file to see if it needs to be modified.

sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export BROKER_URL=${BROKER_URL:-'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'}

The URI specification can be found on RabbitMQ's Site

Configuration of GeoServer

Exchange uses a proxy server (Apache httpd) to proxy requests to Django and GeoServer. GeoServer will need to be configured to include the "Proxy Base Url".

sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/global.xml
<proxyBaseUrl></proxyBaseUrl> # <-- add this entry

Exchange GeoServer also uses a custom security filter and role service. The following files will need to be modified to include the correct settings.

Security Filter:

sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/security/filter/geonode-oauth2/config.xml
<!-- GeoNode accessTokenUri -->
<accessTokenUri></accessTokenUri> # <-- modify this entry

<!-- GeoNode userAuthorizationUri -->
<userAuthorizationUri></userAuthorizationUri> # <-- modify this entry

<!-- GeoServer Public URL -->
<redirectUri></redirectUri> # <-- modify this entry

<!-- GeoNode checkTokenEndpointUrl -->
<checkTokenEndpointUrl></checkTokenEndpointUrl> # <-- modify this entry

<!-- GeoNode logoutUri -->
<logoutUri></logoutUri> # <-- modify this entry

Role Service:

sudo vi /opt/geonode/geoserver_data/security/role/geonode\ REST\ role\ service/config.xml

Example steps to configure geoserver on the same host

sudo chkconfig tomcat8 on
sudo service tomcat8 start

The above code snippet will do the following:

  • Enable the service to autostart
  • Start the service

Verify the variables "GEOSERVER_URL", "GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR", "GEOSERVER_LOG" and "GEOGIG_DATASTORE_DIR" in the file to see if they need to be modified.

sudo vi /etc/profile.d/
export GEOSERVER_URL=${GEOSERVER_URL:-''}  # <-- modify this entry
export GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR=${GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data'}
export GEOSERVER_LOG=${GEOSERVER_LOG:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data/logs/geoserver.log'}
export GEOGIG_DATASTORE_DIR=${GEOGIG_DATASTORE_DIR:-'/opt/geonode/geoserver_data/geogig'}

Configuration of Django

Verify the variable "SITEURL" in the file to see if it needs to be modified.

export SITEURL==${SITEURL:-''}  # <-- modify this entry

Example steps to configure exchange on the same host

sudo exchange-config django
sudo exchange-config selinux
sudo chkconfig exchange on
sudo service exchange start
sudo chkconfig httpd on
sudo service httpd restart

Exchange Port Diagram

                                       Apache httpd (Public 80 or 443)

                                            |              |
                                            |              |
                                            |     Tomcat/GeoServer (8080)
                                            |                          |
                                    -----------------                  |
                                   |                 |                 |
                                   |                 |                 |
                                   |                 |                 |
                            Exchange (8000)    Registry (8001)         |
                                   |                 |                 |
                                   |                 |                 |
                                   |                 |                 |
                          ---------|                 |                 |
                         |         |                 |                 |  
                         |         |              ---------------      |
                         |         |             |               |     |
                  RabbitMQ (5672)   --- Elasticsearch (9200)   PostgreSQL (5432)
                                   |                                |


stand up exchange using rpms






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