Releases: jtfeld/EloOptimized
Releases · jtfeld/EloOptimized
EloOptimized version 0.3.2
New version on CRAN 5/21/.2024:
- Mostly a maintenance release to resubmit package to CRAN
- Added a step to check that agon_data are in chronological order, and throw a warning if not.
- Fixed checks for ubuntu and Mac
- Added new and improved informative errors to eloratingopt() that tell you which individuals are filtered out for not having >= 1 win and 1 loss, and which individuals have interactions outside of their presence window.
- Tweaked documentation formatting and code for converting date columns to comply with R CMD check
EloOptimized version 0.3.1
Mostly a maintenance update
Removed tcltk, rlist dependencies (holdovers from older code)
Streamlined some things under the hood to make post-processing more efficient in eloratingopt & eloratingfixed
EloOrdinal column in output now stored as an integer object for small space saving.
Added a vignette to demonstrate usage of the package, see
Added cleaning step to avoid error when trying to use tibbles imported with readr::read_csv()
Added additional informative errors if input data are problematic
Fixed small bug related to converting character dates to Date class
Incorporated github actions for CI checks, pkgdown build