A PowerShell script that will create an Active Directory environment with poor passwords, bad permissions practices, and random workstations.
This script will change your domain default password policy to remove complexity and set character requirement to 4, this is to allow for the creation of user accounts with poor passwords.
On a domain controller run powershell ISE as an administrator and download this script.
IEX((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jtoledo3970/Invoke-bAD/main/Invoke-bAD.ps1"));
You can then open this script in Powershell (or ISE) and run it AS ADMINISTRATOR.
It will ask you to specify the amount of OU's, users, and workstations you want to create and then place them in random locations and provide random attributes and permissions.
- Making this a reusable PowerShell module
- Adding SPN's to find kerberoastable accounts