This is an Ansible Role to install oh-my-zsh and configure your .zshrc file. This is built around the default config file so if things are missing, let me know.
I made this so for when I needed to remote into a device and wanted to have the same config for all my nodes.
To review the currently installed themes check here.
Take the name that you want to use and add it to either zsh_theme
or zsh_theme_random_candidates
Installed Plugins
Take the name of the plugin that you want to use and add it to zsh_plugins
Currently, this supports centos and ubuntu but should work on others.
# Defines where ohmyzsh will be installed.
# Example: /home/username
# Default: ''
zsh_ohmyzsh_install: string
# Defines the theme that will be enabled
# Example: robbyrussell
# Default: 'robbyrussell'
zsh_theme: string
# Defines what random theme will be picked if zsh_theme is 'random'
# Example: "'robbyrussell' 'agnoster'"
# Default: ''
zsh_theme_random_candidates: string
# Defines if zsh will use case-sensitive completion
# If left with Default value this line is commented out
# Example: true
# Default: false
zsh_case_sensitive: bool
# Default: false
zsh_hyphen_insensitive: bool
# Default: false
zsh_disable_auto_update: bool
# default: 13
zsh_update_days: int
# Default: false
zsh_disable_ls_colors: bool
# Default: false
zsh_disable_auto_title: bool
# Default: false
zsh_enable_correction: bool
# Default: false
zsh_completion_waiting_dots: bool
# Default: false
zsh_disable_untracked_files_dirty: bool
# Default: null
zsh_hist_stamps: string
# Default: 'git'
zsh_plugins: string
- name: Install ohmyzsh and generate a file
hosts: localhost
zsh_backup: false
zsh_ohmyzsh_install: /home/luther38
zsh_plugins: git ansible dotenv
- luther38.ohmyzsh
- name: Install ohmyzsh and pull a remote file
hosts: localhost
zsh_backup: true
zsh_ohmyzsh_install: /home/luther38
zsh_download_url: ''
- ansible-role-ohmyzsh
This repo is not published in galaxy and might never be. To use this role you will need to either clone or add these lines to your requirements.yml file.
- src:
name: luther38.ohmyzsh
version: master