An ESLint plugin that checks tagged query strings inside JavaScript or queries inside .graphql
files against a GraphQL schema.
npm install eslint-plugin-graphql
Has built-in settings for three GraphQL clients out of the box:
You'll need to import your introspection query result. This can be done if you define your ESLint config in a JS file. Note: we're always looking for better ways to get the schema, so please open an issue with suggestions.
This plugin relies on GraphQL queries being prefixed with a special tag. In Relay and Apollo, this is always done, but other clients often take query strings without a tag. In this case, you can define an identity tag that doesn't do anything except for tell the linter this is a GraphQL query:
global.gql = (literals, ...substitutions) => {
let result = "";
// run the loop only for the substitution count
for (let i = 0; i < substitutions.length; i++) {
result += literals[i];
result += substitutions[i];
// add the last literal
result += literals[literals.length - 1];
return result;
Code snippet taken from:
Note: The linter rule could be extended to identify calls to various specific APIs to eliminate the need for a template literal tag, but this might just make the implementation a lot more complex for little benefit.
This plugin also lints GraphQL literal files ending on .gql
or .graphql
In order to do so set env
to 'literal'
in your .eslintrc.js
and tell eslint to check these files as well.
eslint . --ext .js --ext .gql --ext .graphql
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
// Import default settings for your GraphQL client. Supported values:
// 'apollo', 'relay', 'lokka', 'literal'
env: 'apollo',
// Import your schema JSON here
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
// OR provide absolute path to your schema JSON
// schemaJsonFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, './schema.json'),
// tagName is gql by default
plugins: [
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
// Import default settings for your GraphQL client. Supported values:
// 'apollo', 'relay', 'lokka', 'literal'
env: 'relay',
// Import your schema JSON here
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
// OR provide absolute path to your schema JSON
// schemaJsonFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, './schema.json'),
// tagName is set for you to Relay.QL
plugins: [
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
// Import default settings for your GraphQL client. Supported values:
// 'apollo', 'relay', 'lokka', 'literal'
env: 'lokka',
// Import your schema JSON here
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
// OR provide absolute path to your schema JSON
// schemaJsonFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, './schema.json'),
// Optional, the name of the template tag, defaults to 'gql'
tagName: 'gql'
plugins: [
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
// Import default settings for your GraphQL client. Supported values:
// 'apollo', 'relay', 'lokka', 'literal'
env: 'literal',
// Import your schema JSON here
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
// OR provide absolute path to your schema JSON
// schemaJsonFilepath: path.resolve(__dirname, './schema.json'),
// tagName is set automatically
plugins: [
This plugin can be used to validate against multiple schemas by identifying them with different tags. This is useful for applications interacting with multiple GraphQL systems. Additional schemas can simply be appended to the options list:
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
env: 'apollo',
tagName: 'FirstGQL',
schemaJson: require('./schema-first.json')
}, {
env: 'relay',
tagName: 'SecondGQL',
schemaJson: require('./schema-second.json')
plugins: [
GraphQL validation rules can be configured in the eslint rule configuration using the validators
option. The default selection depends on the env
setting. If no env
is specified, all rules are enabled by default.
The validators
setting can be set either to a list of specific validator names or to the special value "all"
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
env: 'apollo',
validators: 'all',
tagName: 'FirstGQL',
schemaJson: require('./schema-first.json')
}, {
validators: ['FieldsOnCorrectType'],
tagName: 'SecondGQL',
schemaJson: require('./schema-second.json')
plugins: [
The full list of available validators is:
(disabled by default inrelay
(disabled by default inapollo
, andrelay
(disabled by default inrelay
(disabled by default inapollo
, andrelay
(disabled by default inrelay
(disabled by default inrelay
The Named Operation rule validates that all operations are named. Naming operations is valuable for including in server-side logs and debugging.
query FetchUsername {
viewer {
query {
viewer {
The rule is defined as graphql/named-operations
and requires a schema
and optional tagName
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
parser: "babel-eslint",
rules: {
"graphql/template-strings": ['error', {
env: 'apollo',
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
"graphql/named-operations": ['warn', {
schemaJson: require('./schema.json'),
plugins: [
The Required Fields rule validates that any specified required field is part of the query, but only if that field is available in schema. This is useful to ensure that query results are cached properly in the client.
// 'uuid' required
schema {
query {
viewer {
query ViewerName {
viewer {
// 'uuid' required
schema {
query {
viewer {
query ViewerName {
viewer {
// 'uuid' required
schema {
query {
viewer {
query ViewerName {
viewer {
The rule is defined as graphql/required-fields
and requires a schema
and requiredFields
, with an optional tagName
// In a file called .eslintrc.js
module.exports = {
rules: {
'graphql/required-fields': [
schemaJsonFilepath: require('./schema.json'),
requiredFields: ['uuid'],
plugins: [