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Wrapper around psycopg 3.x meant to make easy use of postgres using simple python functions. Primary focus is processing python data structures into and out of postgres.

Project is in infancy, work in progress.

Table of Contents


  • Simple python functions to run postgres sql via python. See Usage section for more details on list of functionality.
    • upsert & insert_ignore functions included
      • 'use_index=True' automatically creates index
      • 'use_index=False' to upsert without using index (slower)
    • copy_from_csv() function to follow postgres COPY protocol (today only csv is available)
  • Pass/Retrieve various python data structutes via underlining sql functions
    • tuples
    • dictionaires
    • pandas dataframe
  • Auto import default postgres connection parameters via .env
    • saves on repeating code to specify connection
    • overide default connection parameters with kwargs in each function if needed
  • Use of postgres sql functions with certain parametes. (work in progress, today mosty use Date() to type cast in keys parameters)

Installing Wrapg

Wrapg is available on PyPI:

pip install wrapg



Connection Parameters

Before you get started is is recommended to create .env file in main project directory to store connection parameters.
Wrapg will read the .env file via pipenv (future: will remove need for pipenv) and set default connection parameters.
The .env file should contain below specific named variables that follow postgres connection parameter key words as shown below.

# Database connection parameters

Any connection parameter can be overwritten via conn_kwargs in each function per postgres connection parameter key words.

Below example shows how the default .env specified dbname=supers was changed to dbname=sales.

qry="SELECT * FROM customers"

wrapg.query(raw_sql=qry, conn_kwargs={'dbname': 'sales'})

Create Database

Function to create database.


Note: dbname will be silenced in connection string if set via .env file.

Create Table

Function to help create table.

cols = dict(id="serial PRIMARY KEY", name="varchar(75) unique not null", age="int")

wrapg.create_table(table="villian", columns=cols)


Insert function using list of dictionaries or a pandas dataframe.

info = [{'name': 'Peter Paker', superhero: 'Spider-man', 'email': ''},
{'name': 'Bruce Wayne', superhero: 'Batman', 'email': ''}]

wrapg.insert(data=info, table="superhero")


Easily call sql update.

  • If rows with matching keys exist, update row values.
  • The columns/info that is not provided in the 'data' retain their original values.
  • keys parameter must be specified in function.
new_email = {superhero: 'Spider-man', 'email': ''}

wrapg.update(data=new_email, table="superhero", keys=["superhero"])


Easily call sql upsert.

  • Add a row into specified table if the row with specified keys does not already exist.
    • If rows with matching keys parameter exist, update row values.
  • Automatically creates unique index if one does not exist for keys provided when use_index=True (Default)
    • If use_index=False, auto creation of index will not occur and operation will first try to update record, then insert (slower)
record = {'name': 'Steve Rogers', superhero: 'Captian America', 'email': ''}

wrapg.upsert(data=record, table="superhero", keys=["email"], use_index=True)

Insert Ignore

Easily call sql insert ignore.

  • Add a row into specified table if the row with specified keys does not already exist.
    • If rows with matching keys exist no change is made.
  • Automatically creates unique index if one does not exist for keys provided.
    • (Future give option to turn off auto index)
record = {'name': 'Dr Victor von Doom', villian: 'Dr Doom', 'email': ''}

wrapg.insert_ignore(data=record, table="villian", keys=["email"], use_index=True)

Copy from CSV

Calls sql copy.

  • Specify db table and csv file
  • header boolean paramenter available and csv read block size
wrapg.copy_from_csv(table="heroes", csv_file='hero.csv', header=True)


For more complicated sql not covered by a specific function, one can use query() function to pass raw sql.

qry="SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT alarm), locid, "Date" FROM metrics
WHERE "Date"='2020-08-02'
GROUP BY locid

qry_with_params = "INSERT INTO some_table (id, created_at, updated_at, last_name)
VALUES (%(id)s, %(created)s, %(created)s, %(name)s);"

info = {'id': 10, 'name': "O'Reilly", 'created':, 11, 18)}

wrapg.query(raw_sql=qry, params = info)


[x] Changed .env connection parameters to match postgres sql connection parameter names (11/16/24)
[x] Add params parameter to .query() function; allows to pass named & un-named placeholders in queries (11/17/24)
[ ] Add code to query() func to allow executemany() for Iterable[data]? what scenerio is this needed?
[ ] **Create session instance to run mutliple function within same session; how will this affect conn_kwargs for operations on different dbs
[ ] **handle env better without pipenv?
[ ] *Return scalar from query function vs iter[dict]/df (apply to applicable funcs); return_type parameter?
[ ] *Ability to pass iter[dict] to funcs like insert; read util functions
[ ] Table manupulation drop_column(), drop-table(), add_column(), delete_table()
[ ] Add copy to (data from table to file)
[ ] use polars? for better performance and memory managment
[ ] Add ability to convert column to 'identity' column with start, increment attribute
[ ] insert_ignore() without index
[ ] Handle other operators other than '='; >, <, <>, in, between, like?
[ ] Implement create_index(), distinct(), drop_index()
[ ] Handle JSON, ITERATOR?
[ ] **Add more tests


This project built on great work by psycopg 3 and was inspired by dataset


Wrapped by jturnercode


  • MIT


pyscopg wrapper







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