༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Token/password/whatever
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Giff Token (giff-token)
giff-token -help
giff-token [-length <length> -mode <mode> -includeChars <characters> -excludeChars <characters>]
giff-token [-length <length> -characters <characters>]
giff-token -config <file>
-h | -help Show this screen.
-length Minimum is 10, maximum is 4096. Default: 24.
-mode Select predefined base characters. Choose from: "alphanumeric", "alphanumeric_lowercase",
"alphanumeric_uppercase", "allchars", "allchars_lowercase", "allchars_uppercase",
"alphabetic", "alphabetic_lowercase", "alphabetic_uppercase" and "digits".
Default: "alphanumeric".
-characters Use a custom set of characters. "-mode", "-includeChars" and "-excludeChars" will be ignored.
-includeChars Include custom set of characters to a selected mode.
-excludeChars Exclude custom set of characters from a selected mode.
-config Use a config file to specify the previous parameters.
No options equals to:
giff-token -length 24 -mode alphanumeric
If there is a valid config file called "config.giff" in the same directory as the binary, no options equals to:
giff-token -config config.giff
giff-token -help
giff-token -length 100
giff-token -mode allchars
giff-token -length 24 -characters asdfghjklqwerty
giff-token -length 2000 -mode alphabetic -includeChars 123 -excludeChars abc
giff-token -config /path/to/config.giff
Usable, but unfinished.