LTspice.jl provides a julia interface to LTspiceTM. Several interfaces are provided.
- A dictionary like interface to access parameters and measurements by name.
- An array interface, which is primarily for measurements of stepped simulations.
- Simulations can be called like functions.
LTspice.jl is currently unregistered. It can be installed using Pkg.clone
The julia documentation section on installing unregistered packages provides more information.
LTspice.jl is compatible with julia 1.0
Import the module.
using LTspice
Create an instance of LTspiceSimulation.
example1 = LTspiceSimulation("example1.asc",tempdir=true)
Access parameters and measurements using their name as the key.
Set a parameter to a new value.
example1["Rload"] = 20.0 # set parameter Rload to 20.0
Read the resulting measurement.
loadpower = example1["Pload"] # run simulation, return Pload
Circuit can be called like a function
loadpower = example1(100.0) # pass Rload, return Pload
Use Optim.jl to perform an optimization on a LTspice simulation
using Optim
result = optimize(rload -> -example1(rload)[1],10.0,100.0)
rload_for_maximum_power = example1["Rload"]
LTspice.jl works on windows and linux with LTspice under wine. Osx is not supported.
Latest documentation is here.
The Linear TechnologyTM website