Inesita web application example
Fork of : Inesita Demo App
- latest Opal version (1.3.1)
- sprocket v4 BUG fixed by replacing it with rake Opal Rake
- fast compilation time (recompilation is instant thanks to new Opal Builder)
- npm + browserify
- sass
- livereload (guard + guard-rake + guard-livereload + rack-livereload)
- sinatra backend server
- foreman
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-bundler ruby-dev build-essential npm
$ bundle install
$ rake setup
$ rake server
$ git clone
$ cd raked-inesita
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake setup
$ bundle exec rake server
Go to http://localhost:9292/
edit some file under ./app and see livereload magic.
- bundle exec rake compile : recompile assets and opal ruby app.
- bundle exec rake reset : cleanup public, then recompile.
- bundle exec rake full_reset : cleanup node_module, public, then reinstall and recompile.