- Click start and enter your name in the input field.
- An array of random "spaces" (the treasure map) is chosen and 7 random spaces are converted to "treasures" (strings) in the background. The game randomizes who gets to "pick" a spot to "dig" first.
- If computer is chosen to "pick", the game randomizes a choice between 1 and 5 to be the computer's choice. Then, allows the human player to "pick" a spot by inputting a number from 1 to 5 in a pop-up window.
- If human player is chosen to "pick" first, the human player inputs a number from 1 to 5 in a pop-up window.
- The choices are then revealed on-screen.
- Then, the human choice and computer choice is then compared to determine who chose the largest number, which then determines who gets to actually "dig" or claim the space. IF there is a tie, no one gets to claim the space, but it is still revealed.
- The space is then "revealed" to determine if the space contained a "rock" or a "treasure".
- Whoever is allowed to claim the space, then adds the the "treasure" to their treasure bag.
- Gameplay repeats allowing computer and human to "pick" and "reveal" spaces until they have worked through the entire treasure map.
- Once the entire treasure map has been "searched" then the winner is determined and celebrated to end the game.
- Add a treasure "bag" where the scores will be kept.
- Add sound effects.