Assigment is accomplished with the latest Node LTS 18.16.1.
Requirements: function (fn) that aggregate inputs (strings) and return it if there is no input for examples
Code examples:
//Will print: hello world !!!
//Will print: This is just a test
class Fn {
constructor() {
this.state = [];
fn(string) {
if (string === undefined) {
return this.state.join(" ");
} else {
return this;
function fn(string) {
const fnObj = new Fn();
return fnObj.fn(string);
Description of the assignment: Please implement a small cart system, the cart will present 1 product to purchase with 2 plans type: monthly subscription base and yearly subscription. Please create a UI that allows the user to add and remove from the cart. Once the user choose the product and the plan the cart should redirect to a purchase form when the user will insert his credit card information.
Note: prepare development environment (production and deployment is not required).
Chosen technologies:
- 3 routes are created with React
- Error and loading components are added, not found pages
- Cookies are used for: items storage in the card for not logged in usersa
- 10 routes are build with Nest.js and MongoDB
- Dependency injection for base service is implemented
- Documentation is provided with Swagger (http://localhost:5000/api)
- JWT authentication is ready for implemention
- 2 guards are added
- Decorator for extracting JWT token is created
- 4 models for MongoDB are added and described
- 2 Dockerfiles are added to backend and frontend
- MongoDB exists on Mongo Atlas
- API tests are added
Copy environmental variables
cp ./server/.development-example.env ./server/.development.env
cp ./client/.example.env ./client/.env
docker-compose up -d
yarn dev
Run tests manually
yarn test
Next steps:
- Implement authentification on front end
- Add exisiting guards to routes on backend