est un projet Open Source des Startups d'Etat Pôle emploi.
Suivez l'ensemble de vos candidatures en un seul endroit et boostez leur potentiel !
Vous postulez à plusieurs endroits et avez du mal à vous souvenir de tout ? Vous attendez trop souvent une réponse à vos candidatures sans engager de nouvelles actions ? Memo est le premier service en ligne qui permet de suivre l'ensemble de ses candidatures et de booster leur potentiel !
Enregistrez en un clic les offres d'emploi depuis tous les sites, ainsi que vos candidatures spontanées et celles auprès de votre réseau relationnel, vous les retrouverez alors sur un véritable tableau de bord interactif ! Memo vous dit ce qu'il faut faire au bon moment et comment s'y prendre. Vos candidatures se démarquent alors positivement auprès des recruteurs ! Décrochez plus vite un job en vous simplifiant la vie : adoptez Memo !
Follow all your applications in one place and boost their potential!
Are you applying in more than one place and have trouble remembering everything? Do you wait too often for a response to your applications without taking new actions? Memo is the first online service to track all applications and bolster their potential!
Register one-click job offers from all sites, as well as your unsolicited applications and those from your relational network, you will find them on a real interactive dashboard! Memo tells you what to do at the right time and how to do it. Your applications will then stand out positively with recruiters! Get a job faster by simplifying your life: try Memo!
Clone memo repository:
$ git clone
Install docker on your platform (
MEMO application is splitted in 3 containers : web (nginx,tomcat and clamav), database (mariadb) and email container (postfix).
Go to the docker directory in the repository to get the setup application /your_repository_path/docker/
Edit the configuration file .env
Set the variable DIR_APP_HOST=/your_repository_path/web
In this file, you can modify name of database, or credentials, see environment variables define in database container
To run MEMO on your machine, tape :
docker-compose up -d
The app is available on port 80
on host machine. Open a web browser, load
http://localhost and start browsing.
Main parameters of properties files are set in .env file, but some are directly defined in properties files in /src/fr/gouv/motivaction/properties/*
- :
salt = a random alphanumeric value
encryptorSecret = a random alphanumeric value
pwdSql = a string containing two question mark '?' characters - :
email.noReply = your sending email address
email.noReplyExt = your sending email address
email.personal = your sending email name
host = name of email container (defined in .env) -
memo.propertie :
pathCSV = directory to export dashboard
To access your local MySQL in your MySQL GUI :
- new connection / select "SSH" tab
- MySQL host:
- Username: memo (defined in .env as USER_NAME)
- Password: memo (defined in .env as USER_PASS)
- Database: memo (defined in .env as DB_NAME)