This project demonstrates how to use CodeceptJS with REST helper.
This is done using CodeceptJS
This test uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
* - evented I/O for the backend * - CodeceptJS * - Endpoints that are used in this porject
This requires Node.js v8+ to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies.
cd codeceptjs-rest-demo
npm i
To run all api tests just simply type
npm test
Example output
CodeceptJS v3.0.4
Using test root "/Users/tamara-thanh/Desktop/codeceptjs-rest-demo"
DELETE tests --
✔ Verify deleting a user in 168ms
GET tests --
✔ Verify a successful call in 122ms
✔ Verify a not found call in 146ms
✔ Verify getting a single user in 102ms
✔ Verify getting list of users in 108ms
POST tests --
✔ Verify creating new user in 152ms
✔ Verify uploading a file in 891ms
PUT tests --
✔ Verify creating new user in 143ms
OK | 8 passed // 2s