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langestefan committed Dec 12, 2024
1 parent 91c6830 commit 7544712
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 88 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,3 +77,9 @@ SQLite = "1"
SpecialFunctions = "2"
StatsPlots = "0.15"
Tables = "1"
Wavelets = "0.10.0"
RegularizedLeastSquares = "0.16.6"
LinearOperatorCollection = "2.0.7"
Images = "0.26.1"
Clustering = "0.15.7"
DSP = "0.7.10"
143 changes: 55 additions & 88 deletions docs/src/tutorials/conic/ellipse_fitting.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
# # Example: least-squares fitting of circles and ellipses
# Copyright 2017, Iain Dunning, Joey Huchette, Miles Lubin, and contributors #src
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License #src
# v.2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can #src
# obtain one at #src

# # Example: fitting of circles and ellipses

# Ellipse fitting is a common task in data analysis and computer vision and is of
# key importance in many application areas. In this tutorial we show how to fit an
Expand All @@ -10,15 +15,14 @@

using JuMP
import SCS
import LinearAlgebra
import Images
import Wavelets
using LinearAlgebra
using DSP
using Clustering
using Plots
using LinearOperatorCollection
using RegularizedLeastSquares
import Clustering
import LinearAlgebra
import LinearOperatorCollection as LOC
import RegularizedLeastSquares as RLS
import Plots
import DSP

# ## Parametrization of an ellipse

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,10 +66,8 @@ using RegularizedLeastSquares
# ## Helper functions

# We define some helper functions to help us visualize the results.
# <details>
# <summary>Functions</summary>
function plot_dwt(x, sz = (500, 500))
return plt = heatmap(
return Plots.heatmap(
color = :grays,
aspect_ratio = 1,
Expand All @@ -77,11 +79,10 @@ function plot_dwt(x, sz = (500, 500))

function normalize(x)
x = (x .- minimum(x)) ./ (maximum(x) - minimum(x))
return x
function normalize(x::AbstractArray)
l, u = extrema(x)
return @. (x - l) / (u - l)
# </details>

# ## Reading the test image

Expand All @@ -92,23 +93,21 @@ end

# This is just a toy problem with little scientific value, but you can imagine how the
# rotation and position of elliptical galaxies can be useful information to astronomers.
img = load("docs/src/assets/cartwheel_galaxy.png");
img = load("../../assets/cartwheel_galaxy.png");

# We convert the image to gray scale so that we can work with a single channel.

img_gray = Gray.(img)
img_gray = Images.Gray.(img)
mosaicview(img, img_gray; nrow = 1)

# Instead of operating on the entire image, we select a region of interest (roi) which
# is a subset of ``\mathbb{X} \times \mathbb{Y}``.
sz = 256
X_c = 600
Y_c = 140

X = X_c:X_c+sz-1
Y = Y_c:Y_c+sz-1
roi = (X, Y)

img_roi = img[roi...]
img_gray_roi = img_gray[roi...]
mosaicview(img_roi, img_gray_roi; nrow = 1)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,70 +140,54 @@ x = convert(Array{Float64}, img_gray_roi)
# from the [family of Daubechies wavelets](
# We use the db4 wavelet which has 4 vanishing moments. We set the number of iterations
# to 15.
reg = L1Regularization(0.1);
Φ = WaveletOp(Float64; shape = size(x), wt = wavelet(WT.db4));
solver = createLinearSolver(OptISTA, Φ; reg = reg, iterations = 15);
reg = RLS.L1Regularization(0.1);
Φ = LOC.WaveletOp(
shape = size(x),
wt = Wavelets.wavelet(Wavelets.WT.db4),
solver = RLS.createLinearSolver(RLS.OptISTA, Φ; reg = reg, iterations = 15);

# The sampled image in wavelet domain is given by:
b = Φ * vec(x);

# We can now solve the optimization problem to find the sparse representation of the image.
x_approx = solve!(solver, b)
x_approx = RLS.solve!(solver, b)
x_approx = reshape(x_approx, size(x));
x_final = normalize(x_approx)

mosaicview(x, Gray.(x_final); nrow = 1)
mosaicview(x, Images.Gray.(x_final); nrow = 1)

# We then use a binarization algorithm to map each grayscale pixel
# ``(x_i, y_i)`` to a binary value so ``x_i, y_i \to \{0, 1\}``.
x_bin = binarize(x_final, Otsu(); nbins = 128)
x_bin = Images.binarize(x_final, Images.Otsu(); nbins = 128)
x_bin = convert(Array{Bool}, x_bin)

plt = plot_dwt(img_roi, (500, 500))
heatmap!(x_bin; color = :grays, alpha = 0.45)
plt = plot_dwt(img_roi)
Plots.heatmap!(x_bin; color = :grays, alpha = 0.45)

# ## Edge detection and clustering

# Now that we have our binary image, we can use edge detection to find the edges of the
# galaxies. We will use the [Sobel operator]( for this task.
# <details>
# <summary>Sobel operator</summary>
function edge_detector(
d1::Float64 = 0.1,
d2::Float64 = 0.1,
rows, cols = size(f_smooth)

gradient_magnitude = zeros(Float64, rows, cols)
laplacian_magnitude = zeros(Float64, rows, cols)
edge_matrix = zeros(Bool, rows, cols) # Binary matrix for edges

sobel_x = [-1 0 1; -2 0 2; -1 0 1]
sobel_y = [-1 -2 -1; 0 0 0; 1 2 1]
sobel_xx = [-1 2 -1; 2 -4 2; -1 2 -1]
sobel_yy = [-1 2 -1; 2 -4 2; -1 2 -1]

gradient_x = conv(f_smooth, sobel_x)
gradient_y = conv(f_smooth, sobel_y)

gradient_x = DSP.conv(f_smooth, sobel_x)
gradient_y = DSP.conv(f_smooth, sobel_y)
gradient_magnitude = sqrt.(gradient_x .^ 2 + gradient_y .^ 2)

gradient_xx = conv(f_smooth, sobel_xx)
gradient_yy = conv(f_smooth, sobel_yy)
gradient_xx = DSP.conv(f_smooth, sobel_xx)
gradient_yy = DSP.conv(f_smooth, sobel_yy)
laplacian_magnitude = sqrt.(gradient_xx .^ 2 + gradient_yy .^ 2)

for i in 1:rows
for j in 1:cols
if gradient_magnitude[i, j] > d1 && laplacian_magnitude[i, j] < d2
edge_matrix[i, j] = true

return edge_matrix
return @. (gradient_magnitude > d1) & (laplacian_magnitude < d2)
# </details>

# We apply the Sobel operator to the binary image:
edges = edge_detector(convert(Matrix{Float64}, x_bin), 1e-1, 1e2)
Expand All @@ -216,26 +199,22 @@ edges = thinning(edges; algo = GuoAlgo())
points = findall(edges)
points = getfield.(points, :I)
points = hcat([p[1] for p in points], [p[2] for p in points])'
result = dbscan(
result = Clustering.dbscan(
convert(Matrix{Float64}, points),
min_neighbors = 2,
min_cluster_size = 20,
min_cluster_size = 15,

# The result of the clustering is a list of clusters to which we will assign a unique
# color. Each cluster is a list of points that belong to the same galaxy.
clusters = result.clusters
N_clusters = length(clusters)

# <details>
# <summary>Plotting code</summary>
colors = distinguishable_colors(N_clusters + 1)[2:end]
plt = plot_dwt(img_roi, (600, 600))

colors = Plots.distinguishable_colors(N_clusters + 1)[2:end]
plt = plot_dwt(img_roi)
for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
p_cluster = points[:, cluster.core_indices]
p_cluster[2, :],
p_cluster[1, :];
color = colors[i],
Expand All @@ -244,15 +223,13 @@ for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
markersize = 1.5,

axis = false,
legend = :topleft,
legendcolumns = 1,
legendfontsize = 12,
# </details>

# ## Fitting ellipses

Expand All @@ -261,22 +238,19 @@ plot!(
# ellipses.

# First, we define the residual distance definition (6) of a point to an ellipse in JuMP:
function ellipse::Array{Tuple{Int,Int},1}, ϵ = 1e-4)
function ellipse::Array{Tuple{Int,Int},1}, ϵ = 1e-5)
model = Model(SCS.Optimizer)
N = length(Ξ)

@variable(model, Q[1:2, 1:2], PSD)
@variable(model, d[1:2])
@variable(model, e)

@constraint(model, Q - ϵ * I in PSDCone())

@constraint(model, Q - ϵ * LinearAlgebra.I in PSDCone())
r[i = 1:N],
[Ξ[i][1], Ξ[i][2], 1]' * [Q d; d' e] * [Ξ[i][1], Ξ[i][2], 1]

return model

Expand All @@ -287,7 +261,8 @@ end
# function, also known as the ``L^2`` norm.
# ```math
# \begin{equation}
# \min_{Q, d, e} P_\text{res}(\mathcal{E}) = \sum_{i \in N} d^2_{\text{res}}(\xi_i, \mathcal{E}) = ||d_{\text{res}}||^2_2
# \min_{Q, d, e} P_\text{res}(\mathcal{E}) = \min_{Q, d, e} \sum_{i \in N}
# d^2_{\text{res}}(\xi_i, \mathcal{E}) = \min_{Q, d, e} ||d_{\text{res}}||^2_2
# \end{equation}
# ```

Expand All @@ -302,7 +277,6 @@ end
# [`MOI.RotatedSecondOrderCone`](@ref) as follows:

ellipses_C1 = Vector{Dict{Symbol,Any}}()

for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
p_cluster = points[:, cluster.core_indices]
Ξ = [(point[1], point[2]) for point in eachcol(p_cluster)]
Expand All @@ -322,17 +296,15 @@ for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
push!(ellipses_C1, Dict(:Q => Q, :d => d, :e => e))

# <details>
# <summary>Plotting code</summary>
W, H = size(img_roi)
x_range = 0:1:W
y_range = 0:1:H
X, Y = [x for x in x_range], [y for y in y_range]
Z = zeros(length(X), length(Y))

function ellipse_eq(x, y, Q, d, e)
for i in 1:length(x)
for j in 1:length(y)
for i in eachindex(x)
for j in eachindex(y)
ξ = [x[i], y[j]]
Z[i, j] = [ξ; 1.0]' * [Q d; d' e] * [ξ; 1.0]
Expand All @@ -343,7 +315,7 @@ end
for ellipse in ellipses_C1
Q, d, e = ellipse[:Q], ellipse[:d], ellipse[:e]
Z_sq = ellipse_eq(X, Y, Q, d, e)
Expand All @@ -355,17 +327,16 @@ for ellipse in ellipses_C1

# </details>

# ## Objective 2: Minimize the maximum residual distance

# For our second objective we will minimize the maximum residual distance of all points
# to the ellipse.
# ```math
# \begin{equation}
# \min \max_{\xi_i \in \mathcal{F}} d_\text{res}(\xi_i, \mathcal{E}) =
# \min ||d_\text{res}||_\infty
# \min_{Q, d, e} \max_{\xi_i \in \mathcal{F}} d_\text{res}(\xi_i, \mathcal{E}) =
# \min_{Q, d, e} ||d_\text{res}||_\infty
# \end{equation}
# ```

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,12 +365,10 @@ for (i, cluster) in enumerate(clusters)
push!(ellipses_C2, Dict(:Q => Q, :d => d, :e => e))

# <details>
# <summary>Plotting code</summary>
for ellipse in ellipses_C2
Q, d, e = ellipse[:Q], ellipse[:d], ellipse[:e]
Z_sq = ellipse_eq(X, Y, Q, d, e)
Expand All @@ -410,7 +379,5 @@ for ellipse in ellipses_C2
cbar = false,
scatter!([0], [0]; color = :blue, label = "Squared (Objective 1)")
scatter!([0], [0]; color = :red, label = "Min-Max (Objective 2)")
# </details>
Plots.scatter!([0], [0]; color = :blue, label = "Squared (Objective 1)")
Plots.scatter!([0], [0]; color = :red, label = "Min-Max (Objective 2)")

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