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Enable people to get started with Sublime Text 2 much more quickly

Install Sublime

Go to, download & install.


  1. Essential Packages

    i. Package Control

    ii. ZenCoding

    iii. SublimeLinter

    iv. Inc-Dec-Values

    v. Move Text

    vi. SideBarEnhancements

    vii. Open Recent Files

    viii. Auto Semi-colon

    ix. Alignment

    x. AdvancedNewFile

    xi. GotoRecent

  2. Front-end-specific Packages

    i. jQuery

    ii. HTML5

    iii. LESS

    iv. Nettuts+ Fetch

    v. Placeholders

    vi. Prefixr

    vii. ColorHighlighter

    viii. Gist

  3. Source Control & FTP

    i. Git

    ii. SVN

    iii. Sublime Hg

    iv. Sublime SFTP

    v. Tortoise

Essential Packages

By Will Bond

A full-featured package manager that helps discovering, installing, updating and removing packages for Sublime Text 2. It features an automatic upgrader and supports GitHub, BitBucket and a full channel/repository system.

Package Control Installation

Installation is through the Sublime Text 2 console. This is accessed via the ctrl+` shortcut. Once open, paste the following command into the console:

import urllib2,os; pf='Package Control.sublime-package'; ipp=sublime.installed_packages_path(); os.makedirs(ipp) if not os.path.exists(ipp) else None; urllib2.install_opener(urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler())); open(os.path.join(ipp,pf),'wb').write(urllib2.urlopen(''+pf.replace(' ','%20')).read()); print 'Please restart Sublime Text to finish installation'

Install a package with Package Control

Bring up the Command palette by pressing super+shift+p (super = cmd on Mac or ctrl on PC/Linux), start typing 'install' & hit enter when 'Package Control: Install Package' is highlighted. A quick-panel (like Goto Anything) will appear listing all available packages. Start typing the name of the package you wish to install, and then select it. Package Control will download the package file and install the package into the running instance of Sublime Text 2. You can look at the status area at the bottom of the editor for status updates.

Other Package Control functions

You can use Package Control to manage your packages, some of the most common action you will do is to install, disable, upgrade & remove packages. To do any of them, bring up the Command palette prompt & type whichever command you want. The rest should be self-explanitory.

Install/Browse more packages

Will Bond has also created a directory of community-created packages that you can search/browse. Check it out at

Batch install packages

To batch install other packages, a Package Control.sublime-settings file needs to be placed into the Packages/User/ folder. Inside of the settings file should be a JSON object with the key "installed_packages" that references a list of package names. When Package Control starts, if any of those packages are not present, the will be automatically downloaded and installed. Here is an example: I have already created one that includes all the 'Essential Packages' [here]( Control.sublime-settings) (I thought it better to only include these in case people did not need the front-emd specific templates).

I hope to get a build install script created to automate this process, if you are interested in helping out, please see this issue: mrmartineau#3

By Nicholas Dudfield - Install through Package Control

Zen Coding uses a specific syntax in order to expand small snippets of code, similar to CSS selectors, into full-fledged HTML code.


I have modified the default settings so I have duplicated the zen-coding.sublime-settings file, moved it to my User directory & amended it so that "auto_id_class" is set to true instead of false. This setting enables you to automatically add id="" when a # is added with a tag. View/Download my settings

<div #></div>

becomes this:
<div id=""></div>

By Germán M. Bravo - Install through Package Control

Inline lint highlighting for the Sublime Text 2 editor. **You're gonna want to disable the CSS Linting so copy any modified settings to User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings.

View/Download my settings

Useful keybindings:

ctrl+alt+enter Enter Koan (Live output of zen abbreviations)

By rmaksim - Install through Package Control

Increase / decrease of numbers (integer and fractional), dates, hex color values, opposite relations or cycled enumerations on the configured value and a bonus - string actions (upper, lower, capitalize).

Useful keybindings for numbers:

alt+up/down increases/decreases the one character to the left on +1/-1

super+up/down increases/decreases the one character to the left on +10/-10

super+alt+ctrl+up/down increases/decreases the one character to the left on +100/-100

Useful keybindings for strings:

alt+up/down Capitalise

super+up/down UPPERCASE

alt+down or super+down lowercase

Useful keybindings for opposite relations or cycled enumerations:

super+alt+up/down Changes the value under the cursor ("true" or "false") to the opposite

super+alt+ctrl+up/down Enumerate/cycle through the examples in the sublime-settings file (Example are days of the week, month names & CSS style properties - very handy)

By Colin Thomas-Arnold - Install through Package Control

Select text and drag it around, or setup a text tunnel to move code from one location to another.

Useful keybindings

(these need to be added to Users/Default (OSX).sublime-settings: super+ctrl+left Move text left super+ctrl+right Move text right

Add the following to your User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap file

// Move Text
{ "keys": ["super+ctrl+left"], "command": "move_text_left" },
{ "keys": ["super+ctrl+right"], "command": "move_text_right" }

By Tito Bouzout - Install through Package Control

Sublime's native sidebar sucks, install this to improve it.

View/Download my settings

By Nick Fisher - Install through Package Control

A package which open the most recently closed files, in the same that Chrome does with tabs..


super+shift+t Open recent file. Keep pressing to open more.

By Lewis Wright - Install through Package Control

Automatically moves a semi-colon to the outside of the last bracket when pressed inside. This is great when used in LESS mixins or javascript functions. Its a small but very useful package.

By Will Bond - Install through Package Control

Dead-simple alignment of multi-line selections and multiple selections.


ctrl+alt+a on Windows and Linux, or cmd+ctrl+a on OS X.

By Dima Kukushkin - Install through Package Control

Easily & quickly create new files & folders. Nettuts+ have created a quick screencast for the plugin, view it here.


super+alt+n Enter path for new file

By paccator - Install through Package Control

Sublime Text 2 plugin that adds a panel to reopen recently closed files.


super+e Open recent file by showing a panel

Front-end-specific Packages

By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

This package helps with the jQuery API. Browse the repository to see what snippets are included, usually the tabtrigger is the name of the snippet.

ii. HTML5

By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

Add HTML5 syntax mode & snippets to ST2. Browse the repository to see what snippets are included, usually the tabtrigger is the name of the snippet.

iii. LESS

By Dan Rogers - Install through Package Control

LESS syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 2

By Nettuts+ - Install through Package Control

Fetch the latest version of remote files and zip packages.

View/Download my settings

Nettuts+ introduction to Fetch


Type fetch into Command palette

By Zander Martineau - Install through Package Control

Placeholder HTML & content (lorem ipsum) package for Sublime Text 2. Browse the repository to see what snippets are included, usually the tabtrigger is the name of the snippet.

By Will Bond - Install through Package Control

Cross-browser CSS3 in seconds. This package runs CSS through the API. Nettuts+ introduction to Prefixr

By Monnoroch - Install through Package Control

ColorHighlighter underlays selected hexadecimal colorcodes (like "#FFFFFF") with their real color.

viii. Gist

By Dmitry Budaev - Install through Package Control

Create new Gists from selected text & print existing Gists from Nettuts+ Sexy Code Snippet Management With Gists.

Installation options

If you're using OS X and have a keychain entry for, no configuration is needed. Otherwise, copy the Gist.sublime-settings file from Packages/Gist to Packages/User sub-directory and edit:

"username": "" You need to enter your GitHub username here

"password": "" You need to enter your GitHub password here

"https_proxy": http://user:pass@proxy:port You can enter https proxy here. Format: "http://user:pass@proxy:port"

Source Control & FTP

i. Git

By David Lynch - Install through Package Control

Git integration. Use the command palette

ii. SVN

By Will Bond - Install through Package Control

Full-featured commercial Subversion plugin

By Guillermo López-Anglada - Install through Package Control

Mercurial integration

By Will Bond - Install through Package Control

Commercial SFTP/FTP plugin - upload, sync, browse, remote edit, diff and vcs integration

By Will Bond - Install through Package Control

Windows-only plugin that provides key bindings and menu entries for TortoiseSVN, TortoiseGit and TortoiseHg.


Enable people to get started with Sublime Text 2 much more quickly






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