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Releases: junegunn/fzf


29 Aug 08:13
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Release highlights:

  • Added exact-boundary-match type to the search syntax. When a search term is single-quoted, fzf will search for the exact occurrences of the string with both ends at word boundaries.
    fzf --query "'here'" << EOF
    come here
    not there
  • [bash] Fuzzy path completion is enabled for all commands
      1. If the default completion is not already set
      1. And if the current bash supports complete -D option
    • However, fuzzy completion for some commands can be "dynamically" disabled by the dynamic completion loader
    • See the comment in __fzf_default_completion function for more information
  • Comments are now allowed in $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS_FILE
    export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='
      # Layout options
      --info=inline-right   # Show info on the right side of the prompt line
      # ...
  • Hyperlinks (OSC 8) are now supported in the preview window and in the main window
    printf '<< \e]8;;\e\\Link to \e[32mfz\e[0mf\e]8;;\e\\ >>' | fzf --ansi
    fzf --preview "printf '<< \e]8;;\e\\Link to \e[32mfz\e[0mf\e]8;;\e\\ >>'"
  • The default --ellipsis is now ·· instead of ...
  • [vim] A spec can have exit callback that is called with the exit status of fzf
    • This can be used to clean up temporary resources or restore the original state when fzf is closed without a selection
  • Fixed --tmux bottom when the status line is not at the bottom
  • Fixed extra scroll offset in multi-line mode (--read0 or --wrap)
  • Added fallback ps command for kill completion on Cygwin


31 Jul 12:58
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  • Fixed incompatibility of adaptive height specification and 'start:reload'
    # A regression in 0.54.0 would cause this to fail
    fzf --height '~100%' --bind 'start:reload:seq 10'
  • Environment variables are now available to $FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND
    FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='echo $FZF_QUERY' fzf --query foo


26 Jul 10:12
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  • Fixed incorrect syntax highlighting of truncated multi-line entries
  • Updated GoReleaser to 2.1.0 to simplify notarization of macOS binaries
    • macOS archives will be in tar.gz format instead of zip format since we no longer notarize the zip files but binaries
  • (Windows) Reverted a mintty fix in 0.54.0
    • As a result, mouse may not work on mintty in fullscreen mode. However, fzf will correctly read non-ASCII input in fullscreen mode (--no-height).
    • fzf unfortunately cannot read non-ASCII input when not in fullscreen mode on Windows. So if you need to input non-ASCII characters, add --no-height to your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS.
    • Any help in fixing this issue will be appreciated (#3799, #3847).


19 Jul 08:14
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08 Jul 13:54
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Release highlights:

  • Implemented line wrap of long items
    • --wrap option enables line wrap
    • --wrap-sign customizes the sign for wrapped lines (default: )
    • toggle-wrap action toggles line wrap
      history | fzf --tac --wrap --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-wrap' --wrap-sign $'\t'
    • fzf by default binds CTRL-/ and ALT-/ to toggle-wrap
  • Updated shell integration scripts to leverage line wrap
    • CTRL-R binding includes --wrap-sign $'\t↳ ' to indent wrapped lines
    • kill ** completion uses --wrap to show the whole line by default instead of showing it in the preview window
  • Added --info-command option for customizing the info line
    # Prepend the current cursor position in yellow
    fzf --info-command='echo -e "\x1b[33;1m$FZF_POS\x1b[m/$FZF_INFO 💛"'
    • $FZF_INFO is set to the original info text
    • ANSI color codes are supported
  • Pointer and marker signs can be set to empty strings
    # Minimal style
    fzf --pointer '' --marker '' --prompt '' --info hidden
  • Better cache management and improved rendering for --tail
  • Improved --sync behavior
    • When --sync is provided, fzf will not render the interface until the initial filtering and the associated actions (bound to any of start, load, result, or focus) are complete.
      # fzf will not render intermediate states
      (sleep 1; seq 1000000; sleep 1) |
        fzf --sync --query 5 --listen --bind start:up,load:up,result:up,focus:change-header:Ready
  • GET endpoint is now available from execute and transform actions (it used to timeout due to lock conflict)
    fzf --listen --sync --bind 'focus:transform-header:curl -s localhost:$FZF_PORT?limit=0 | jq .'
  • Added offset-middle action to place the current item is in the middle of the screen
  • fzf will not start the initial reader when reload or reload-sync is bound to start event. fzf < /dev/null or : | fzf are no longer required and extraneous load event will not fire due to the empty list.
    # Now this will work as expected. Previously, this would print an invalid header line.
    # `fzf < /dev/null` or `: | fzf` would fix the problem, but then an extraneous 
    # `load` event would fire and the header would be prematurely updated.
    fzf --header 'Loading ...' --header-lines 1 \
        --bind 'start:reload:sleep 1; ps -ef' \
        --bind 'load:change-header:Loaded!'
  • Fixed mouse support on Windows
  • Fixed crash when using --tiebreak=end with very long items
  • zsh 5.0 compatibility (thanks to @LangLangBart)
  • Fixed --walker-skip to also skip symlinks to directories
  • Fixed result event not fired when input stream is not complete
  • Built-in reader of the Windows binary will print forward slashes on MSYS and WSL (thanks to @charlievieth)
  • New tags will have v prefix so that they are available on


06 Jun 13:10
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Release highlights:

  • Multi-line display
    • See Processing multi-line items
    • fzf can now display multi-line items
      # All bash functions, highlighted
      declare -f | perl -0777 -pe 's/^}\n/}\0/gm' |
        bat --plain --language bash --color always |
        fzf --read0 --ansi --reverse --multi --highlight-line
      # Ripgrep multi-line output
      rg --pretty bash | perl -0777 -pe 's/\n\n/\n\0/gm' |
        fzf --read0 --ansi --multi --highlight-line --reverse --tmux 70%
      • To disable multi-line display, use --no-multi-line
    • CTRL-R bindings of bash, zsh, and fish have been updated to leverage multi-line display
    • The default --pointer and --marker have been changed from > to Unicode bar characters as they look better with multi-line items
    • Added --marker-multi-line to customize the select marker for multi-line entries with the default set to ╻┃╹
      ╻First line
      ╹Last line
  • Native tmux integration
    • Added --tmux option to replace fzf-tmux script and simplify distribution
      # --tmux [center|top|bottom|left|right][,SIZE[%]][,SIZE[%]]
      # Center, 100% width and 70% height
      fzf --tmux 100%,70% --border horizontal --padding 1,2
      # Left, 30% width
      fzf --tmux left,30%
      # Bottom, 50% height
      fzf --tmux bottom,50%
      • To keep the implementation simple, it only uses popups. You need tmux 3.3 or later.
    • To use --tmux in Vim plugin:
      let g:fzf_layout = { 'tmux': '100%,70%' }
  • Added support for endless input streams
    • See Browsing log stream with fzf
    • Added --tail=NUM option to limit the number of items to keep in memory. This is useful when you want to browse an endless stream of data (e.g. log stream) with fzf while limiting memory usage.
      # Interactive filtering of a log stream
      tail -f *.log | fzf --tail 100000 --tac --no-sort --exact
  • Better Windows Support
    • fzf now works on Git bash (mintty) out of the box via winpty integration
    • Many fixes and improvements for Windows
  • man page is now embedded in the binary; fzf --man to see it
  • Changed the default --scroll-off to 3, as we think it's a better default
  • Process started by execute action now directly writes to and reads from /dev/tty. Manual /dev/tty redirection for interactive programs is no longer required.
    # Vim will work fine without /dev/tty redirection
    ls | fzf --bind 'space:execute:vim {}' > selected
  • Added print(...) action to queue an arbitrary string to be printed on exit. This was mainly added to work around the limitation of --expect where it's not compatible with --bind on the same key and it would ignore other actions bound to it.
    # This doesn't work as expected because --expect is not compatible with --bind
    fzf --multi --expect ctrl-y --bind 'ctrl-y:select-all'
    # This is something you can do instead
    fzf --multi --bind 'enter:print()+accept,ctrl-y:select-all+print(ctrl-y)+accept'
    • We also considered making them compatible, but realized that some users may have been relying on the current behavior.
  • NO_COLOR environment variable is now respected. If the variable is set, fzf defaults to --no-color unless otherwise specified.


13 May 16:56
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  • Fixed a critical bug in the Windows version
    • Windows users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version


07 May 15:17
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  • Added --highlight-line to highlight the whole current line (à la set cursorline of Vim)
  • Added color names for selected lines: selected-fg, selected-bg, and selected-hl
    fzf --border --multi --info inline-right --layout reverse --marker ▏ --pointer ▌ --prompt ''  \
        --highlight-line --color gutter:-1,selected-bg:238,selected-fg:146,current-fg:189
  • Added click-header event that is triggered when the header section is clicked. When the event is triggered, $FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN and $FZF_CLICK_HEADER_LINE are set.
    fd --type f |
      fzf --header $'[Files] [Directories]' --header-first \
          --bind 'click-header:transform:
            (( FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN <= 7 )) && echo "reload(fd --type f)"
            (( FZF_CLICK_HEADER_COLUMN >= 9 )) && echo "reload(fd --type d)"
  • Added $FZF_COMPLETION_{DIR,PATH}_OPTS for separately customizing the behavior of directory and path completion
    # Set --walker options without 'follow' not to follow symbolic links
  • Fixed Windows argument escaping
  • Bug fixes and improvements
  • The code was heavily refactored to allow using fzf as a library in Go programs. The API is still experimental and subject to change.


01 May 05:37
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  • Added a new environment variable $FZF_POS exported to the child processes. It's the vertical position of the cursor in the list starting from 1.
    # Toggle selection to the top or to the bottom
    seq 30 | fzf --multi --bind 'load:pos(10)' \
      --bind 'shift-up:transform:for _ in $(seq $FZF_POS $FZF_MATCH_COUNT); do echo -n +toggle+up; done' \
      --bind 'shift-down:transform:for _ in $(seq 1 $FZF_POS); do echo -n +toggle+down; done'
  • Added --with-shell option to start child processes with a custom shell command and flags
    gem list | fzf --with-shell 'ruby -e' \
      --preview 'pp Gem::Specification.find_by_name({1})' \
      --bind 'ctrl-o:execute-silent:
          spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name({1})
          [spec.homepage, *spec.metadata.filter { _1.end_with?("uri") }.values].uniq.each do
            system "open", _1
  • Added change-multi action for dynamically changing --multi option
    • change-multi - enable multi-select mode with no limit
    • change-multi(NUM) - enable multi-select mode with a limit
    • change-multi(0) - disable multi-select mode
  • Windows improvements
    • become action is now supported on Windows
      • Unlike in *nix, this does not use execve(2). Instead it spawns a new process and waits for it to finish, so the exact behavior may differ.
    • Fixed argument escaping for Windows cmd.exe. No redundant escaping of backslashes.
  • Bug fixes and improvements


14 Apr 15:06
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  • Search performance optimization. You can observe 50%+ improvement in some scenarios.
    $ rg --line-number --no-heading --smart-case . > $DATA
    $ wc < $DATA
     5520118 26862362 897487793
    $ hyperfine -w 1 -L bin fzf-0.49.0,fzf-7ce6452,fzf-a5447b8,fzf '{bin} --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30'
      fzf --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30 ran
        1.16 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-a5447b8 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
        1.23 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-7ce6452 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
        1.52 ± 0.03 times faster than fzf-0.49.0 --filter "///" < $DATA | head -30
  • Added jump and jump-cancel events that are triggered when leaving jump mode
    # Default behavior
    fzf --bind space:jump
    # Same as jump-accept action
    fzf --bind space:jump,jump:accept
    # Accept on jump, abort on cancel
    fzf --bind space:jump,jump:accept,jump-cancel:abort
    # Change header on jump-cancel
    fzf --bind 'space:change-header(Type jump label)+jump,jump-cancel:change-header:Jump cancelled'
  • Added a new environment variable $FZF_KEY exported to the child processes. It's the name of the last key pressed.
    fzf --bind 'space:jump,jump:accept,jump-cancel:transform:[[ $FZF_KEY =~ ctrl-c ]] && echo abort'
  • fzf can be built with profiling options. See for more information.
  • Bug fixes