Author:junwen 2019-10-2
GPatternBuilder patternBuilder = new GPatternBuilder(0);
Int id = patternBuilder.addRule("SELECT id FROM {table} LIMIT 1;");
GPattern gPattern = patternBuilder.createGroupPattern();
GPatternMatcher matcher = gPattern.matcher("SELECT id FROM travelrecord LIMIT 1;");
Assert.assertEquals(0, id);
Assert.assertEquals("travelrecord", gPattern.toContextMap(matcher).get("table"));
UTF8 or ASCII byte count components into multiple lexical units according to the following lexical rules
Space-separated lexical unit
Comments are used to add hints, notes, suggestions, warnings, etc. to the source code. These information are ignored in lexical analysis.
-- Single line comment
// single line comment
/* Multi-line comments */
Multi-line comment
Direct quantities only support ASCII characters
Identifies the sequence of ASCII direct quantifiers in the pattern.
ASCII characters separated by spaces and length 1
A space-separated sequence of characters containing letters or numbers or underscores ("_") or dollar signs ("$") (length greater than 1)
By default case is ignored, the size is converted to lowercase, you can turn off this feature
Capture multiple or one lexical units, save them at the beginning and end of the byte array, and get their range in the byte array by name
{name}, where name must be an ASCII character
The byte array to be matched allows UTF8 characters
SELECT id FROM {table} LIMIT 1;
Pending string
SELECT id FROM travelrecord LIMIT 1;
You can get travelrecord according to 'table'
Pending string
SELECT id FROM travelrecord , travelrecord2 LIMIT 1;
Can be obtained by 'table'
Travelrecord ,travelrecord2
SELECT id FROM {table} LIMIT 1;// Mode 1
SELECT id FROM {table} LIMIT {n};// mode 2
Pending string
SELECT id FROM travelrecord LIMIT 1;
Mode 1 match
GPatternBuilder patternBuilder = new GPatternBuilder(0);
int id = patternBuilder.addRule("{any} FROM travelrecord {any2}");//the mode corresponds to an id
GPattern gPattern = patternBuilder.createGroupPattern();
GPatternMatcher matcher = gPattern.matcher("SELECT id FROM travelrecord LIMIT 1");
Assert.assertEquals(0, id);
Assert.assertEquals(id,;// After the pattern matching is successful, the id corresponding to the mode can be obtained according to the matcher.
Map<String, String> map = gPattern.toContextMap(matcher);
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT id", map.get("any"));
Assert.assertEquals("LIMIT 1", map.get("any2"));
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