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PIE Web Components ‐ Nuxt 3

Xander Marjoram edited this page Jul 12, 2024 · 11 revisions

Step 1: Installing Lit

First, install lit(at the time of writing this guide, the version of Lit we use is 3.1.2) and nuxt-ssr-lit into your application. These are used to get the web components working.

To install Lit, simply run:

yarn add lit@3.1.2
yarn add nuxt-ssr-lit


npm install lit@3.1.2
npm install nuxt-ssr-lit

Step 2: Installing and integrating @justeattakeaway/pie-css

Then, install our CSS library pie-css, we use this library to house some base application styles our Web Components require to look correct.

yarn add @justeattakeaway/pie-css


npm install @justeattakeaway/pie-css

Step 3: Installing a PIE Web Component

We need to install @justeattakeaway/pie-webc package using:

yarn add @justeattakeaway/pie-webc


npm install @justeattakeaway/pie-webc

Step 4: Configurations for nuxt.config.ts file

To get our components working, ensure you are applying the following rules to your nuxt.config.ts file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: true,
  modules: [
      ['nuxt-ssr-lit', { litElementPrefix: ['pie-', 'icon-'] }]
  imports: {
      transform: {
          exclude: [/\bpie-\b/, /\bicon-\b/],
  css: ['@justeattakeaway/pie-css'],

This ensures that Nuxt/Vue recognise the pie components and our icons as custom elements and not Vue components. Our component selectors start with pie- and our icons start with icon-. It also adds our base CSS to the project, which styles the web components.

In your components, you should be able to render components like so:

<script setup>
import { PieButton } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-webc/components/button.js';
import { IconClose } from '@justeattakeaway/pie-icons-webc/dist/IconClose.js';

      hello, world
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