An application for designers, creators, and developers to fetch, generate and prepare free resources for development, design, UI/UX in one place.
Free stock images from free stock image sites. Currently supported - Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, Burst(dev), Noun( dev)
Free static illustrations and customizable illustrations Humaaans(dev), Joeschmoe, UnDraw
Free Icons and Icon Packs - Google material icons, Font awesome icons, Ionicons, Simple icons, Streamline icons
Free font packs and sources - Google Fonts, Freefonts (dev)
Inkscape Extension for integrating directly into Inkscape vector graphics application
Intuitive User interface and quick search
Select items from multiple sources and import as zip, folder, or directly into Inkscape
Quick edits to photo stocks - Orientation , Color Saturation (Dev) , and more.
Quick edits to vector stocks - Color
Remove Background of portraits
Generate avatars and profile pictures
Still in active development