This is Rock, Paper, Scissors, a game that never gets old! Now with a graphical interface.
This project is hosted on GitHub Pages. Feel free to try it out!
This project is designed as part of The Odin Project's wonderful Web Development curriculum.
- Refactor logic to accommodate for v2 GUI.
- Implement with the DOM API.
- Implement buttons.
- Implement shadows and transition effects.
- Implement score and round output.
- Implement result output in plain English.
- Implement restart.
- Implement header and footer.
- Make it pretty!
- None, as all the requirements of this project were met.
Below are a collection of resources which helped improve my skills ✨ while building the project:
- javascript - Why is console.log() considered better than alert()? - Stack Overflow
- javascript - Function that randomly returns one of three options, where all options have the exact same chance? - Stack Overflow
- Loops: while and for
- javascript - How do I call a function inside of another function? - Stack Overflow
- JavaScript Functions
- What does return do in JavaScript? The return keyword explained
- JavaScript Arrays
This array article has better examples compared to w3s':
- Array - JavaScript | MDN
- Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript | MDN
- typescript - Cannot redeclare block scoped variable - Stack Overflow
- HTML DOM Document querySelector() Method
- HTML DOM Document addEventListener() Method
- Location reload() Method
- Arrow functions, the basics
- How To Animate Buttons With CSS
- How To Create a Fixed Footer
- How to Remove a Commit From Github
- Can you set a border opacity in CSS? - Stack Overflow
- CSS Borders
- How to keep your footer where it belongs ?
- Two Ways to Create a CSS Frosted Glass Effect
Built with ❤️ to The Odin Project ~