Program will create a dictionary which will create a new password for each given input. Use has 4 options 1. create new password 2. change password 3. delete password 4. view all passwords program will store passwords in a text file and encrypt it. when program is ran later the txt file is decrypted and then read storing all contents into a new dictionary. if any changes are made the dictionary will update and once all changes are complete the txt file is overwitten with new data
This project was for me to learn about encrypting and decrypting files as well as reading and writing to and from files.
Future Plans:
- create a GUI that will replace CMD line menu
- view passwords on GUI instead of command line.
- restructure dictionary so that it stores a dictionary for each item which will save username and password as 2 key/values
Future Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to make a GUI using Python
- is there a way tto create a browser extension to recognize when a new usename and password is being used to automatically store/create password for website to automatically push updates from pycharm to github without having to manually upload changes.