A Flarum extension. Allow admin to collect Email address through ElasticMail Api
These are the Step:
- Create an account on https://elasticemail.com/
- Setup your Api Smtp https://elasticemail.com/account#/settings/new/manage-smtp
- Create a new Email List here: https://elasticemail.com/account#/contacts/new/lists?page=1&perPage=25
- Find your Public Account ID here https://elasticemail.com/account#/account/security
- Paste your Public Account ID into admin panel of your Flarum
- Paste the name of your List into admin panel of your Flarum
- Your done! :)
Install with composer:
composer require justoverclock/flarum-ext-newsletter
composer update justoverclock/flarum-ext-newsletter
php flarum cache:clear