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JustPy 0.2.2

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@elimintz elimintz released this 07 Sep 20:38
· 647 commits to master since this release

This is the first release in a long time and includes many new features as well as bug fixes. I recommend continuing using release 0.1.15 for production.

New features:

  1. Ability to register component for use by parser
  2. 'keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress' events added to WebPage
  3. In WebPage added method write that adds markdown and method equation that adds an equation.
  4. Added class TailwindVersion1Page(WebPage) if you want to use version 1 of tailwind instead of version 2 which is default now
  5. Markdwon element
  6. Equation element
  7. If AgGrid field includes 'formatter' it is evaluated as javascript
  8. Quasar version option
    QUASAR_VERSION = config('QUASAR_VERSION', cast=str, default=None)
  9. Request handlers can return raw starlette response (just return startlette respose) line 171 in
  10. Support for additional chart packages: Vega, Bokeh, Plotly, DeckGl