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Open Command Prompt in the directory of NativeScriptStudio.EfCore Enter the following commands to create a brand new migration if you modified the Entities dotnet ef migrations add v3 keep in mind that the v3 is increased by 1 every time you perform a migration. For Exampple dot net ef migrations add v4 then your next migration would be dotnet migrations add v5 etc.

After the migrations has been completed succesfully you can either create a t-sql script and deploy it yourself You can piple it to an actual file like so dotnet ef migrations script > migrationScript.tsql then give it to the dba.

If you are doing rapid development or managing your production workflows with migrations dotnet ef database update would deploy your changes to the database speficied

in sum the commands are: dotnet ef migrations add v3 dotnet ef migrations script > migrationScript.tsql

For more advanced commands like reversing a migrations go here:

This is the one liner that does it all -- U can delete the migrations folder to start from scracth if u get errors. dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerPersistedGrantDbMigration -c PersistedGrantDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/PersistedGrantDb && dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerConfigurationDbMigration -c ConfigurationDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/ConfigurationDb && dotnet ef migrations add InitalApplicationContextMigration -c ApplicationDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/ApplicationDbContextMigration && dotnet ef database update -c ApplicationDbContext && dotnet ef database update -c PersistedGrantDbContext && dotnet ef database update -c ConfigurationDbContext

I broke down the methods here just in case someone wanted to only run once at a time and it would be easy to copy and paste. dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerPersistedGrantDbMigration -c PersistedGrantDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/PersistedGrantDb dotnet ef migrations add InitialIdentityServerConfigurationDbMigration -c ConfigurationDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/ConfigurationDb dotnet ef migrations add InitalApplicationContextMigration -c ApplicationDbContext -o Data/Migrations/IdentityServer/ApplicationDbContextMigration dotnet ef database update -c ApplicationDbContext

While in development it would be easier to drop the database and erase migrations than to manage the migration history.


Example of AspNetIdentity and IdentityServerV4







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