The baby scripts and steps used to filter reads, assign taxonomy, analyze phylogeny, and visualize: nrfA, nirS, dsrB
Gather reference sequences from fungene for nirS, nrfA(—Allana Welsh), and dsrB by manually selecting sequences. Its freakin painful, but its the only way until I figure out something better through biomartr. I collected 8774 sequences for nirS, 9585 for nrfA, and 1292 for dsrB (obtained from pelikan et al).
grep ">" nirS-fungene.fa | cut -f 2 -d "," | cut -f 2 -d "=" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort | uniq > genus_names.txt
You will also need to make a file called fungene_ids.txt like this from the file that you downladed from fungene and renamed "nrfA-fungene.fa" (at least in this example).
grep ">" nrfA-fungene.fa | sed 's/\>//g' > fungene_ids.txt
run taxize - an R package to determine the matching taxonomic string for each of your genus_names.txt. I use ncbi
taxa strings to do this.
d <- c("Alphaproteobacteria","Anabaena","Betaproteobacteria","Candidatus","Gammaproteobacteria","Parcubacteria","Phormidesmis","Pseudomonas","Rhodobacteraceae","Sulfurovum")
work = tax_name(d, get = c("phylum","class","order","family","genus"), db = "ncbi")
write.table(work, "~/Dropbox/oxygen_gradient/nrfA-references/raw_taxit.txt")
sed 's/"//g' raw_taxit.txt > fix
mv fix raw_taxit.txt
Then use the to create a tax reference for the marker gene that will allow you to identify taxonomic strings. for nrfA. I ran this command from the nrfA-reference directory that contained the raw_taxit.txt and fungene_ids.txt files. But you can modify the paths to run it from where ever you like
python ~/scripts/ ~/Dropbox/oxygen_gradient/nrfA-MED-analysis/sequences-to-decompose-padded-m0.10-A0-M0-d4/NODE-HITS.txt fungene_ids.txt raw_taxit.txt
Now you must use wich will convert the separate elements for med node hits, fungene ids that contain species information, and taxize taxonomy strings to obtain the correct taxonomy string for each node. Lots of fun!
python ~/scripts/ NODE-HITS.txt NODE-IDs.txt
the output of the mu-convert-fungene-ids-to-taxonomy is named We use this file to run this script to produce a phyloseq readable object (with a little unix magic). The name of the file produced is PHYLOSEQ-TAX-OBJECT which we will use in R. to discover amazing evolutionary trends and cool things to test with radical hypotheses.
sort PHYLOSEQ-TAX-OBJECT.txt > fix
create a copy of the PHYLOSEQ-TAX-OBJECT
add the following lines to the top of the PHYLOSEQ-TAX-OBJECT.txt
add the following lines to the top of the file PHYLOSEQ-TAX-OBJECT-CORRECTED.txt
I also wrote something to correct for the fact that MED doesn't correct the MATRIX-PERCENT to include the reads removed due to "M" and "V" and any other filters that you might have set. To reincorportate this information to create a more accurate picture of the percent relative abundance. On second thought it might not be totally more accurate. There could be importnat reasons why the nodes/sequences weren't retained like sequencing error or PCR error and stochastic forces that wish to runin you science. - Mordor
Here is the script that works on the MATRIX-COUNT.txt and HTML-OUTPUT/read_distribution.txt files produced by MED - "decompose" - it converts the table to a file (I call mine MATRIX-PERCENT-CORRECTED.txt) and inserts a column[1] that represents the percentage of sequences removed during the MED process. --med_count MATRIX-COUNT.txt --read_counts HTML-OUTPUT/read_distribution.txt --out MATRIX-PERCENT-CORRECTED.txt