Basic Maven project with :
- Java 17
- Logback (and slf4j bridges configured correctly)
- Version 1.4.x+ of Logback implies the use of the
namespace instead ofjavax.*
- Version 1.4.x+ of Logback implies the use of the
- JUnit 5, Mockito and AssertJ
- Plugins configured for PIT, Jacoco, Enforcer, Failsafe and Surefire
- Owasp dependency check (when using maven profile
You can use this project as a base for an archetype :
mvn archetype:create-from-project
cd target/generated-sources/archetype/
mvn install
Now go to the directory where you want to start your new project and run the command and follow the instructions :
(and look for local -> net.jvw:sample-project-archetype (sample-project-archetype)
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
Remove everything above the following line since you don't need these instructions after your finished
To run the Maven build with the Owasp dependency check enabled run :
mvn -Pcve clean verify
This will result in a report in a report in target/dependency-check-report.html