Statistical analysis of the Ivermectin arm in the PLATCOV trial. The PLATCOV trial is registered at number NCT05041907
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This github repo provides the data and code for the statistical analysis of the Ivermectin arm in the PLATCOV trial published in Elife. The primary analysis of the trial consists of fitting linear and non-linear hierarchical Bayesian regression models to the serial viral load measurements over time. The regression models use left-censoring for viral loads below the lower limit of detection (i.e. a Ct value of 40 or above). The viral load is expressed as the log base 10 number of copies per mL. The statistical analysis plan used at the time of analysis is given in the file PLATCOV_SAP_v2.1_13052022.pdf.
All models are fit to data using Monte Carlo approximation of the posterior distributions with the open access software stan (interface to R with rstan). The folder Stan_models contains the stan code for the three models used:
- Linear_model_basic.stan: the most basic model (no adjustment for human RNaseP)
- Linear_model_RNaseP.stan: additional adjustment for RNaseP
- Nonlinear_model_RNaseP.stan: non-linear model allowing increases in viral load at the start
The data are given in Ivermectin_analysis.csv.
The RMarkdown file Ivermectin_Analysis.Rmd does the following:
- Loads the data and outputs summary statistics and summary plots
- Sets up the parameters for all the model runs (9 in total)
- Loads the model fits and plots them
The models are run using the R script run_models.R. I did this on a server as it takes a while. The data dictionary is in the main RMarkdown file.
The R packages needed are:
- rstan (interfaces with stan)
- loo (for model comparison)
- RColorBrewer
Any questions or comments or if any bugs spotted drop me a message at jwatowatson at gmail dot com