The best way to add the library to your project is using composer.
"require": {
"jwdr/zyxel": "*"
Create the needed parameter value objects:
$ipAddress = new \ValueObjects\Web\IPAddress('your-router-ip-address');
$portNumber = new \ValueObjects\Web\PortNumber(22);
$userName = new \ValueObjects\String\String('your-user-name');
$passWord = new \ValueObjects\String\String('your-password');
Instantiate the config object, and use it to create the connection
$ZyXELConfig = new \jwdr\ZyXEL\Config($ipAddress, $portNumber, $userName, $passWord);
$ZyXELConnection = new \jwdr\ZyXEL\Connection($ZyXELConfig);
Instantiate the ZyXEL object
$ZyXEL = new \jwdr\ZyXEL\ZyXEL($ZyXELConnection);
Finally ready to start reading information from the router!
Get the list of current known lan host devices
$lanHosts = $ZyXEL->lanHosts();
More to follow