Repository for Blocklyduino js code used to create new blocks for Polulu robot (Zumo32U4)
CONTEXT: I am a secondary teacher in Australia developing an environment for my year 10 students that will encourage them to code. I have a couple of Zumo 32U4 robots from Polulu. They are Arduino based. As a starting point i am making Blocklyduino blocks for the Zumo bots so the students can quickly get into moving the bots around. I have created this repository so i can get feedback on some of the issues im having with the blocks.
TO USE THESE BLOCKS you will need to copy the included files into a copy of BlocklyDuino on your local computer. Next rebuild (python the js files in BlocklyDuino directories. Finally run the index file in your browser.
If you are working with the Zumo 32U4 bot then i assume you are already familiar with uploading code to it from the Arduino IDE (Google: "arduino"). You will need the Pololu libraries and board drivers for Zumo32U4 from the Pololu site.
Authors and Contributors
Fred Lin (@gasolin) @taipan541 @jwill4
Thanks Neil Fraser, Q.Neutron from Blockly Thanks Dale Low (gumbypp) for contribute the python server to pipe BlocklyDuino source to arduino board. Thanks Arduino and Seeeduino guys for Arduino and Grove blocks.
The project is also inspired by arduiblock and modkit
Copyright (C) 2012~2016 Original Developer: Fred Lin Extension Developer: taipan541
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at *