A serverless Discord bot that utilizes the Discord Interaction API and integrates with CloudFlare Service Workers.
- /8ball - Ask the Magic 8-Ball.
- /audiophile - Generate hipster audio jargon.
- /coin - Flip a coin.
- /corporate - Generate corporate bulls**t.
- /csjoke - Random programming joke.
- /define <word>? - Define word with Merriam-Webster dictionary.
- /dice - Roll 2 dice.
- /dog - Random doggo image.
- /education - Generate educational nonsense.
- /excuse - Generate the perfect excuse.
- /fliptext <text> - Flip text upside down/backwards.
- /joke - Random dad joke.
- /lmddgtfy <search> - Create LMDDGTFY link.
- /slots - Play fruit emojis slot machine.
- /spongetext <text> - Convert text to sPoNgEbOb mOcKiNg tExT.
- /technology - Generate hollywood tech jargon.
- /udefine <word>? - Define word with Urban Dictionary.
- /wisdom - Generate deepak chopra quote.
Copy example.env
-> .env
and define variables
npm run register
npm run publish
npm start
npm run ngrok
Set Interactions Endpoint URL
on Discord application settings to Forwarding
URL in ngrok