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Project Status: Concept – Minimal or no implementation has been done yet, or the repository is only intended to be a limited example, demo, or proof-of-concept. CI Status coverage MIT License

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showmark is a Flask application for viewing rendered markup documents in a browser. It was developed solely for my personal use and is not intended to be consumed generally; use it at your own risk. In particular, it allows viewing files located on the system where the Flask application runs; it is the administrator's responsibility to secure this access appropriately.

showmark supports the following markup formats, recognized by file extension (case insensitive):


showmark requires Python 3.10 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install it:

python3 -m pip install git+

Web Application

The showmark web application consists of a single page. At the top of this page is a form with an input box, a "View" button, and a "List All" button. The user is expected to enter a file path (bare basename, relative path, or absolute path) in the input box, after which pressing the buttons has the following effects:

  • "View" — If the path supplied in the input box is a basename or relative path, then showmark performs a breadth-first traversal of each directory specified in the SHOWMARK_SEARCH_PATH configuration option (see below) in turn, looking for a directory to which appending the input path results in an extant file path; the first such file found has its contents rendered & displayed.

    If the input path is absolute, then if it also begins with one of the directories in SHOWMARK_SEARCH_PATH and points to an extant file, that file has its contents rendered & displayed.

    Any filesystem errors that occur while traversing or inspecting paths are ignored.

  • "List All" — All files matching the input path (using the same rules as for "View") are found and displayed as a collection of hyperlinks; clicking on a link sends the user to a page displaying that file's rendered contents.


showmark supports the following configuration options. These can be set by defining them in a Python source file that is then pointed to by the environment variable SHOWMARK_SETTINGS and/or by setting each option as an environment variable FLASK_{name}.

An os.pathsep-separated list of directories (located on the system on which the application runs) to search for files to render. Defaults to the user's home directory.
The name of the docutils writer to use for rendering markup. Defaults to html5.

Development Server

showmark can be served in a local development server on port 8080 by running hatch run local:run. This sets SHOWMARK_SEARCH_PATH to $HOME/work.

Installation on macOS

showmark was successfully installed on a macOS Sonoma system as follows, resulting in it being served by the built-in Apache server (already enabled) at <http://localhost/showmark>:

  • Install uwsgi via Homebrew: brew install uwsgi

  • Create a virtual environment at /Library/WebServer/Documents/venvs/showmark and install the showmark package into it

  • Create the file $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/showmark.ini with the following contents:

    plugin = python3
    socket = /tmp/org.varonathe.showmark.sock
    # Replace the below with your own search path:
    env = FLASK_SHOWMARK_SEARCH_PATH=/Users/jwodder/work
    module =
    virtualenv = /Library/WebServer/Documents/venvs/showmark
    manage-script-name = true
    need-app = true
    master = true
    processes = 2
    threads = 5
    harakiri = 60
    vacuum = true
  • Enable uwsgi as a system-level daemon: sudo brew services start uwsgi

    • Using sudo is necessary so that the service will be system-level rather than a user agent, which is needed so that the service will run as the _www user and thus be able to read & write to the socket without messing with permissions.
  • Configure Apache by editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf as follows:

    • Uncomment the following lines:

      LoadModule proxy_module libexec/apache2/
      LoadModule proxy_uwsgi_module libexec/apache2/
    • Add the following line:

      ProxyPass /showmark unix:/tmp/org.varonathe.showmark.sock|uwsgi://showmark/
  • Restart Apache: sudo apachectl restart


After installing showmark as shown above, the package can be updated to a newer version by running:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/venvs/showmark/bin/pip install --upgrade \

sudo brew services restart uwsgi