This is a Ruby port of the original dopewars/drugwars game.
You are a drug dealer. Your goal is to buy and sell drugs and make money without being caught. You have 30 days to fly around the world making your purchases and selling your product.
This is a single player game. As the player, your goal is to beat your previous score. Your score is the total amount you’re worth at the end of the game. You lose only if you get caught, or if you owe any money at the end of the game.
Simple economy. Drug value is, to some degree, determined randomly by the day.
You can train at the gym to gain levels. Gaining levels will increase your speed, strength, and hit points. You can also purchase strong weapons to kill agents faster. Killing an agent has a bonus reward.
Open your terminal/command line, and ‘cd` into the directory where you downloaded the game. For linux/mac
$ ruby bin/dopewars
For windows
$ ruby bin\dopewars
You will be walked through during gameplay. Type “S” to start, or “Q” to quit. Options are normally numbers. You can type ? for help during the game.
$ git clone $ cd dopewars $ bundle install --without experimental
Ruby 1.9+
Rubygems 1.5+
bundler gem (gem install bundler)
All drugs are always available
No way to exit game mid way
Fill in help menu
Allow help to be accessed any time
The bag isn’t fully in place
Item purchases aren’t restricted
The end of game calculation isn’t complete
Limit the amount of drugs that can be carried per bag size
Agents don’t gain levels.
Fluctuating interest rates depending on which city you start in
Fight more than 1 agent at a time
Create GUI using ncurses
Allow each drug to have a different effect during battle
Push scores to twitter?
Make a single package installer for win/mac
Fork the repository
Clone your newly forked repo
Make changes
Push changes to your repo
Do pull request