Grep for GroupMe
For something similar that runs in the browser, take a look at instead.
Do you wish GroupMe had a search function? Me too. That's why I wrote GrepMe, a command line search tool for GroupMe that's featureful and easy to use.
pip install grepme
- Create your login token on -> Create Application None of the info there is used in grepme, you can give garbage values.
- Run grepme. You should be prompted for your login token.
If you type your token wrong, you can use -D
and grepme will prompt you again,
e.g. grepme -D some_text
- Search case-insensitive for 'school':
grepme -i school
- Show every message from every group you're in:
grepme '.*'
- Search in a specific group:
grepme --group USCCyber api
- Filter by date:
grepme -d '.*' | grep 2018
- Search by user:
grepme -u Joshua '.*'
- Show all available groups:
grepme -l
- Show version:
grepme -V
- Show messages newer than 1 week:
grepme --json '.*' | jq -r "select(.created_at > $(date -d '1 week ago' +%s)) | .text"
- Show at most 10 messages:
grepme --json '.*' | head -n 10 | jq -r '.name, .text'
$ grepme -i swear --group 'ACM$'
Huиter Damroи: I work in the IBM building but I can meet you at Swearingen or anywhere.
Matthew Clapp: Is anybody in Swearingen?
ℬℜΔƉѰ: Can someone confirm that the Airport monitors in Swearingen have a Code-a-thon announcement?
Justin Baum: Hey does anyone know who I should email so my Carolina Card can get me into Swearingen?
GrepMe uses configparse for configuration,
see its documentation for details. For example, I use the following configuration
in ~/.config/grepme.toml
, which searches only in 'ACM' by default:
group = "^ACM$"
usage: grepme [-h] [-g GROUP] [-l] [-q] [-d] [-i] [-a AFTER_CONTEXT]
[-b BEFORE_CONTEXT] [-c CONTEXT] [-u USER] [-o] [-v] [-V] [-D]
[--clear-cache] [--color | --no-color] [--json] [-f | -F]
regex [regex ...]
grep for groupme, version 1.3.5
positional arguments:
regex text to search
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g GROUP, --group GROUP
group to search. can be specified multiple times
-l, --list show all available groups and exit
-q, --quiet don't show who said something
-d, --date show the date a message was sent
-i, --ignore-case ignore case distinctions in both text and groups
show the following n messages after a match
show the previous n messages before a match
show n messages around a match. overrides -A and -B.
-u USER, --user USER search by username. can be specified multiple times
-o, --only-matching only show text that matched, not the whole message
-v, --reverse-matching
only show messages that didn't match
-V, --version show version
-D, --delete-cached delete cached credentials. useful if you mistype in
the inital login prompt
--clear-cache delete cached message. you should very rarely have to
use this option
--color always color output
--no-color never color output
--json print messages as JSON
-f, --favorited, --liked
only show liked messages
-F, --not-favorited, --not-liked
never show liked messages
Unicode is handled fine, see examples above.
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
If you see any test failures, it's a bug! Please let me know: If you have suggestions for more tests, those are also welcome.
Fork the repository, make some changes, make a pull request.
Note: the script test/pre-commit
will be run on any commit.
You may want to run it automatically yourself: ln -s ../test/pre-commit .git/hooks