This is an online library management system for IGDTUW. Our library management system provides a platform for both admin and student to access all the features of a real library. Using this system, the admin can login, view, insert, update and delele the student as well as book details. It also allows the student to issue a book, return a book, search for book recommendations and reserve a book.
- PYHON-Primary tech stack used to write the complete code
- MYSQL-To create the database
- MySQL Connector/Python- Used to enable the Python program to access MySQL database
- TKINTER-This library was used to create Graphical User Interface(GUIs)
- PILLOW- Used to include all basic image processing functionality
- CANVA- For the presentation and outline of the project
- Add student
- Show details of all books
- Show details of all isssued books
- Show details of all students
- Search a book
- View fine on a student
- Update book and student details
- Remove a book or student
- Logout
- View his/her profile
- Change password
- Issue or return a book
- View his/her fines
- Search a book or get book recommendations
- Logout
- Saves time
- User-friendly interface
- Cost-efficient
This is the link to the video demonstration of the project:
In case the above link doesn't work, kindly use this: