Genesis as the name suggests "The origin or coming into being of something" is no-fuss way of developing the Portfolio website using the API's sourced from Hashnode and Github.
Create your developer's Portfolio in minutes using the starter kit.
Just connect the API's & PAT [Personal Access Token] and get started.
For more detailed explanation read here at Hashnode
Clone the repository
git clone
Install the dependencies
npm install
Run the server
npm run dev
- Create a .env file in the root of the repository.
- Add the HASHNODE_TOKEN from Hashnode
- Navigate to helper/getAllBlogPost.ts and replace your hashnode blog address in publication
publication(host: "")
- In helper/getPost.ts, replace username by your hashnode username
user(username: "jyotishman421")
- In helper/getGithubApi.ts replace the Github username in the following functions : getGitubUserDetails, getUserGithubRepo, getUserFollowers, getUsersFollowing.
example : if your username is JohnDoe then the API would be
Feel free to raise an issue if you find any bugs or want to implement any interesting feature.
We'll look forward to it.