Summary: this lets you quickly extract audio clips from .mp3 files (from podcasts, etc) with a transcription, and export it to Anki using Ankiconnect.
mp3 playing and hacking is done using VLC and ffmpeg.
The transcription is done using Vosk.
If you also have a transcription file (in .txt format), it's searched to find the best possible match using the Vosk transcription as a starting point. This is helpful because sometimes the Vosk transcription is a bit off.
NOTE: I've only run this (and tested it) on Mac ... I'm not sure how it will behave on other OS's.
Installation has 2 parts: parts needed for Pact itself, and then parts needed for your particular use.
Part 1:
Part 2:
# Clone using Github ...
cd /some/directory
git clone
cd pact
# ... or get it in a zipfile
cd /some/directory
mkdir pact # or whatever
# get file from ...
# ... and unzip in pact directory
Install VLC on your system.
Mac with homebrew:
brew install --cask vlc
Other OSs: ?
Install ffmpeg on your system.
For Mac with homebrew:
brew install ffmpeg
Other OSs: ?
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies (some from other git repos, see requirements.txt)
.venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
or, on systems with bash (Mac etc):
At this point, you should be able to run pact:
The pact app should open. Then you can open an mp3 on your system, or the file "pact/assets/pact.mp3", and click "Play". If you can hear audio, the basics are in place.
Vosk uses a "language model" for offline audio transcription.
Download the appropriate model from
Unzip it into a subdirectory under the main directory (a sibling to the
For example, my directory structure looks like this:
LICENSE # (this file)
- /model
- /spanish
README # (the Vosk model readme)
+ /pact
Note that some models are very large, and could be slow on your
system. For example, the German model vosk-model-de-0.21
is about 2
gigs. When I used it on a brief German clip, the transcription was
accurate, but the loading was so slow as to be almost unusable. With
the much smaller vosk-model-small-de-0.15
(45 MB), the Vosk
transcription was still accurate enough to find the correct match in
the accompanying transcription.
NB: Pact currently reloads the entire Vosk model on every transcription; perhaps this could be convered to a one-time load. This would only be useful for very large models.
This is an add-on for Anki. See AnkiConnect add-on on AnkiWeb.
See for possible additional setup required.
You'll need a Note Type with separate fields for the audio file and
the transcription. The names don't matter, because you specify that
in the config.ini
If you're going to leave the transcription blank -- e.g., if you
delete the transcription suggestions that pact
provides using Vosk
-- the Transcription field can't be the first field in the Note type,
because Anki doesn't allow empty first fields.
See the wiki for an Anki card layout idea.
Edit config.ini
to match your setup.
Note: I've only used Pact for Spanish, but there are monolingual lookup modules for French and German as well, in ./pact/plugins/lookup/`. One with Python coding experience should be able to implement other dictionary web lookups.
While I haven't needed it myself, Pact should allow for simple plugins for lookups. See ./pact/plugins/lookup/
If you have a plugin that has the correct function available, you
should be able to place it in ./myplugins
or in the plugins
folder, and then specify the module name in config.ini
Only use plugins you trust, or that you write yourself ... since they execute arbitrary code, they might be malicious etc etc. Unfortunately it's not easy to sandbox them (so that they can only do "safe" things).
Currently, Pact only has a transcription plugin for Vosk, but others should be possible. See ./pact/plugins/transcription/
See the pact wiki.
pip3 install X
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
env variable to use a different config file (e.g., for different Anki export deck, etc.):
PACTCONFIG=config-dev.ini ./
# Add this section
# Load this session file on start:
SessionFile = /path/to/some/file.clips
# If SessionFile is set, load this bookmark
# (indexed from 0):
LoadBookmark = 7
# Load this mp3 on start, if SessionFile not present
LoadFile = /path/to/file.mp3
Are in /test
. Run them all with:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m unittest discover -s test
To run a single one matching a pattern, use -k
python -m unittest discover -s test -k save_session
See python -m unittest -h
for more flags.
- Make sure all tests pass
- Update, pact/
- Commit
- Tag (e.g.
git tag v0.2.0 1f0f2a6
) git push origin <tagname>
- fork the repo
- make a branch, make your changes
- ensure the unit tests all still pass. Add tests as needed to increase coverage/stability
- push to your fork
- open a PR
For some ideas of stuff that might need work, see the wiki.