Multilingual families to store/share international recipes in an easy to create/view way across mobile and desktop
- Lack of internationalization support (both for UI and recipes)
- Private use only
- Recipe forms are too simple or just a Markdown/text box
- Too limited on image inclusion (as a gallery or within the recipe)
- Limited to being mobile/desktop apps instead of a PWA (e.g. Paprika, Cookmate, CookBook)
- Alternative names, tooltips or images for ingredients which may only be known in the local language
- Support for a “generic” (no specific amounts?) ingredients warning as is common with passed down recipes.
- Possibly ways for users to suggest amounts they liked?
- Automatic translation support or ways to write recipes in multiple languages or way for community translation.
- A sort of git-like PR for recipes?
- Image or videos as part of instructions
- Be able to start multiple timers that persist across pages (e.g. Recipe 1 start a timer for 10 minute baking then move onto recipe 2)
- ?
Should it be a CRUD app? Should it be server-rendered or static as much as possible?
- Should account creations be supported? Should it be invite only? A master password? Google-docs-esque edit links?
- Only allow access for the creator? Will other people bother to add recipes?
- Allow submission/edit requests?
- Are ratings/comments necessary?
- Self hosted: Local server, docker container
- Pros: Free
- Cons: Requires technical knowledge
- Online hosted: Firebase, heroku?
- Pros: Can be free, simple
- Cons: Reliance on a company
- Statically hosted: E.g. Github pages, netlify
- Pros: No need for a server, everything can be cached
- Cons: Updating recipes may be difficult, require editing a git repo?
- Using SQL: Standard DB model, can get quite complex with fields though. High performance, but is that necessary?
- Using NoSQL (e.g. JSON format in MongoDB): can be more customisable or quicker to develop
- Using files: Each recipe becomes a standardised format (e.g. JSON or MD). Can grow quickly but provides easy access/backup and static hosting
- React (+ Next.js?)
- Vue (+ Nuxt or Vite)
- Elm? (Looks like Haskell)