This code for a WS2812b SPI controller using the ATtiny85. It is loosely based on the ATtiny10 Neopixel controller by Wayne Holder.
The controller requires three pins on the ATtiny85. The pin assignments can be changed in the defines, but the following shows the default layout. PB5 (Pin 1) should probably be connected to +5V through a resistor in the 10k- to 30k-ohm range.
In this configuration, the device assumes it is the only peripheral on the SPI bus. Accordingly, there is no provision for chip select. This may be changed in future revisions.
+5V -> PB5 |* | +5V
NC -- PB3 | | PB2 <- SCLK
DOUT <- PB4 | | PB1 -- NC
GND | | PB0 <- COPI
- GCC for AVR for compiling
- CMake is used to manage the build environment.
- Use GitFlow
- James P. Howard, II <>