blurme v1.0 Codename MEH (My Eyes Hurt) is a small script which will blur your feh set background if any window, or rofi is open. Furthermore there are some options, which allow you to change the default behaviour a bit. Read more about the options down below.
Please feel free to fork it, make pull requests and use it in your own projects.
This is my first project i publish. Please be gentle on me :)
- wmctrl: This script makes use of wmctrl to get the current workspace number and to clarify, whether any window is open. It's essential!
- feh: Furthermore you'll need feh to set your background image(s).
- imagemagick: And last but not least imagemagick is mandatory to blur the images
- Place it anywhere you like (e.g. ~/.scripts)
- Make it executable (chmod +x ~/.scripts/blurme)
Run it once in a terminal of your choice with ~/.scripts/blurme
Add the line "exec --no-startup-id ~/.scripts/blurme &" to your i3 config.
Add the line "sh ~/.scripts/blurme &" to ~/.xinitrc
Add the line "sh ~/.scripts/blurme &" to ~/.config/openbox/autostart
There are several optional arguments provided that may be used. These include:
- -a: Add another program (process name), which will start the blur effect
- -c: set custom directory for transition images (default: ~/.cache/blurme)
- -d: Set custom directory (defaul ~/.local/share/blurme)
- -t: Set custom transition time in sec (default: 0.01)
- -v: Show additional output (verbose)
- -h: Show all these parameters