Simple Stake App is a Crypto Staking Web3 app (also known as DAPP) that allows users to stake and unstake STKN Token (ERC20) bought from This Simple Stake App Smart Contract is deployed in Goerli Testnet Network.
- All Transactions like Staking and UnStaking are routed through Staking Smart Contract, Deployed in Goerli Testnet network.
- Transparent, Immutable, No censorship resistance.
- Hardhat Smart Contract Development Framework used for Smart Contracts.
- Full Frontend with ReactJs.
- Single Page Application.
- Beautiful UI with Tailwind css.
- Ethers Js used for interacting with smart contracts
- Context API used for Global Context.
- Web3modal Used for Wallet Connection.
- React Toastify used for Notifications.
- Client : ReactJS
- Styles : Tailwind css
- Technology : Blockchain
- Network : Goerli Testnet