You must know what these files and folders do before using. My personal configuration may and likely will not work for you.
WindowManager:> Bspwm
Launch Menu:> Rofi
Bar:> Polybar
Icons:> Luv Icons
GTK/Theme:> Rosé Pine
Font:> JetBrains Mono
Fetch:> Flowetch
Terminal:> SimplierTerminal
Shell:> oh-my-zsh
Web Browser:> Ungoogled Chromium
Home Page:> Bento
Video Player:> mpv
OS:> Gentoo
Kernel:> Xanmod
Init:> OpenRC
Scheduler:> cfs-zen-tweaks
Portage Profile:> default/linux/amd64/17.1
A huge thanks to Owl4ce for the many configs I use, and excellent educational material!