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Moderation Logs

kabii edited this page Jun 30, 2024 · 10 revisions

👀 Moderation Logs


🙋‍ For quick setup, simply run the /log config command in the channel you would like to be a mod log. This will display an interactive Discord message allowing you to choose and activate loggers.

"Logging" channels are channels that FBK will post a message in when chosen events occur. You can edit which events are posted in each channel with the /log config command.

🔒 If the bot does not have permissions to send messages in a log channel, the feature will be automatically disabled and can be manually re-enabled.


🔐 Modifying or creating a log channel will receive and log events from the entire Discord server, and requires the Manage Server permission.

Available loggers for setup through the /log command:

❓ All loggers are naturally toggle settings and are Disabled by default.

Setting Description
join If Enabled, members joining your server will be logged in this channel.
🔓 This is suitable for use in a public channel.
leave If Enabled, members leaving your server will be logged in this channel.
usernames If Enabled, your member's Discord username changes will be logged in this channel.
voice If Enabled, users joining or leaving voice channels in your server will be logged in this channel.
🔓 This is suitable for use in a public channel.
roles If Enabled, users being assigned or removed from any role will be logged in this channel.
kicks If Enabled, users who are kicked from this server will be logged in this channel.
bans If Enabled, user bans will be logged in this channel.

Configuration options available through the /log command:

Setting Description Type Default Value
bots If enabled, bot actions will be included in this channel's avatar, username, and/or voice logs. toggle true
joinMessage Modifies the message sent in this channel when a join event is logged. See usable variables for configuring this message below. string See below
leaveMessage Modifies the message sent in this channel when a leave event is logged. See usable variables for configuring this message below. string See below

join and leave message configuration

If you wish to customize the message sent on join or leave log events, FBK provides a configuration property to do so.

❗ Most people do not need to touch this configuration. You may wish to if creating a public join log or wish to include the invite code used into the join log message.

❓ Why is this so technical? Why are "variables" needed?

If you wish to change the message to say simply "@Jack joined the server.", FBK needs to know where to place the actual username into the message - in this case at the very beginning. The format string for this would be simply &mention joined the server.

Defaults (example/resetting the value)

The default value for joinMessage is **&name&discrim** joined the server. (&mention)&new. This value can also be restored by using /log joinmessage reset:True.

The default value for leaveMessage is **&name&discrim** left the server. (&mention). This value can also be restored by using log leavemessage reset:True.

Variables available for both join and leave messages:

Variable Name Associated Content
&name Placeholder for the username of the member joining or leaving.
&mention Placeholder for a mention (@user) of the member joining or leaving.
It is not recommended to exclusively use a mention for logging, as your Discord clent will stop displaying the member's username if they no longer share any servers with you.
&id Placeholder for the Discord snowflake/ID of the member joining or leaving.
&discrim Placeholder for the discriminator (#0001) of the member joining or leaving.
&avatar If specified, the avatar of the member joining or leaving will be displayed below each logged message.

Variables available for join messages:

Variable Name Associated Content
&invite Placeholder for the invite code used by the member to join your server. FBK requires the Manage Server permission to view and track invites.
&new Placeholder for a message that will be displayed containing the member's account age in days if it is below a certain threshold. By default this will warn if a member's account is less than 7 days old.
&new=30 Same functionality as the &new variable above, but the warning will display if the account is less than 30 days old. 30 may be set to any number.

Variables available for leave messages:

Variable Name Associated Content
&roles Placeholder for a list of roles the member had in your server before leaving.
&joinDate Placeholder for the date the member joined your server.
&joinDuration Placeholder for how long the member was in your server, displayed in 120d7h format.