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NotesApp is a Google Keep clone built using MERN stack. It is supposed to be a bit more advanced take on a classic "NotesApp".


  • Basic CRUD operations on front-end
  • Basic CRUD operations on back-end
  • Changing colors of the notes
  • Toast notifications
  • Authentication with token refreshing
  • Archiving notes
  • Pinning notes
  • Adding tags to the notes & filtering by them
  • Search functionality
  • Changing order via drag & drop
  • Checklists inside notes
  • Masonry layout for notes
  • A somewhat responsive layout, of course


Main desktop view Editing note modal Mobile view + adding note


First you need to install packages:

npm run install-modules

You also have to create .env file in the server directory with your own MongoDB credentials and a secret key. You can find a sample .env file in server/.env.sample - you can just copy it, rename it to .env and provide your own values.

Then to start the app you have to run two consoles, one for front-end and one for back-end. There are commands for the root directory:

npm run start:server

And on the second console:

npm run start:client

Log-in credentials

The server application seeds automatically if there are no users in the database. You can find the most current seed data in server/utils/seed folder, but one of these credentials should work:

Password: testing
Password: testing

Environment variables

Variable name Description Required?
MONGO_USER Username for your MongoDB connection string. Yes
MONGO_PASSWORD Password for your MongoDB connection string. Yes
SECRET_KEY A secret key that will be used to sign and verify JWTs. Yes
REFRESH_SECRET_KEY A secret key that will be used to sign and verify JWT refresh tokens. Yes
FORCE_SEED If you set it to "true", the database will be cleaned up before seeding. No



  • React
    • React Router
    • PropTypes
    • CSS Modules
  • SCSS
  • react-dnd


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose