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this is such a bad idea

What it looks like (shit)

Screenshot Utilities


Needed apps

How to apply

  • Copy files in config to /home/$USER/.config/ or simply ~/.config/ (theyre the same place but yk fancier)
  • Copy files in local/bin to /home/$USER/.local/bin/ and set permissions to executable. (obv read the source code before executing anything)
  • Copy files in config/spicetify/Themes/ to /home/$USER/.config/spicetify/Themes and apply using spictify-cli
  • Copy files in firefox to /home/$USER/.mozilla/FIREFOX_PROFILE_THINGY/chrome/
  • Run hyprctl setcursor Bibata-Modern-Classic 24
  • Run gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme Bibata-Modern-Classic to set cursor theme
  • Run gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout 'close,minimize,maximize:appmenu' to move window buttons to left (optional)
  • Go to /home/$USER/.config/hypr/ and set the autostart file to executable.
  • Go to /home/$USER/.config/hypr/scripts/ and set everything to executable.
  • Go to /home/$USER/.config/rofi/bin/ and set everything to executable.
  • Go to /home/$USER/.config/waybar/scripts/ and set everything to executable.
  • Import dark-ass-mf.json from presets/user to gradience and apply for gtk3 and gtk4
  • Import the dark-vibes-yay.vsix that you downloaded to vscode and set color scheme to dark vibes :D
  • Open /home/$USER/.config/waybar/scripts/ and replace mycity+mycountry with your city and country
  • Open /home/$USER/.config/hyprland/hyprpaper.conf and set the wallpaper path
  • Open firefox, go to about:config and search for toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets and set it to true
  • Reboot
  • Profit(?)

Using the apps and tricks and shit

  • Left click on some stuff in waybar to get cool things
  • Right click on some stuff in waybar to get cool things
  • Scroll some stuff in waybar to get cool things
  • Left click bluetooth icon in wifi menu to get to bluetooth menu
  • Left click on weather icon to get forecast
  • Super + Enter is app launcher
  • Super + L is power options
  • Super + Control + Shift + R reloads waybar incase it freezes
  • Super + Shift + P gives a color picker (auto copies hex color to clipboard)
  • Control + Shift + L gives some love emoticons (because some of us have gfs)
  • Control + Shift + K kills active window
  • Super + Arrows moves windows
  • Control + Alt + Arrows resizes windows
  • Control + Super + Arrows changes focused window
  • Super + Number-Row switches to workspace of number X
  • Alt + Number-Row moves window to workspace of number X
  • PrintScreen is screenshots
  • Shift + PrintScreen is instant area screenshot
  • Super + Shift + PrintScreen is instant window screenshot
  • Super + PrintScreen is screenrecord
  • Super + F is fullscreen
  • Super + Q to exit current app
  • Super + S to toggle floating window
  • Super + E to open nautilus (file manager)
  • Super + B to open bluetooth menu
  • Super + O to toggle waybar
  • Super + Right-Click resizes window
  • Super + Left-Click moves window

Special Thanks

  • adi1090x for the basis of the rofi menus!
  • loqusion for making shader usage a breeze
  • My cat Darcie for supporting me thru these less-than-good times


My dotfiles for hyprland







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