This is a simple utility that takes 4 arguments:
- a network interface or an IP address
- a port
- a service type
- a hostname
It then advertises:
- the IPv4 address (or the one of the specified interface if one is found)
- the specified port
- the hostname
over mdns as service of the specified type. The hostname is included in the response so that the client can identify this unique instance.
Example usage:
go run . --port 8000 --interfaceName enp121s0 --serviceType _kcrypt._tcp --hostName myserver.local
go run . --port 8000 --address --serviceType _kcrypt._tcp --hostName myserver.local
In the context of kcrypt-challenger, this tool can be used to make a regular kcrypt challenger server be discoverable in the local network. See original spike for more: kairos-io/kairos#2069